PM, Thanks for teh questions, lets see if I get them all:
I am fairly young, although I do not understand the relevance, but never mind that.
I not play PV until 2002, so you are quite correct I have very little to compare it to, however, very few of us on this site played it back in the 1940's or 1950's, but I submit that I may have a different opinion if I had played the course back then.
I must stress however that it is the current isolation that intrigues me so much about PV and what to me, helps make the course the challenge that it is.
I am making the assumption, maybe incorrectly, that the technology back at the time of early tree planting would not allow for the uprooting of 15 ft trees without the death of the roots, as such I feel quite sure that saplings were planted.
All of my "assumptions" come from older Pv members who I met at PV.
Even though I aws there to compete, my interest in architecture was such that I was going to ask questions..I was well aware from the aerials that things had either changed or matured depending on your point of view.
The members I spoke to stressed it was a maturing process rather than a changing of strategy which leads to the belief that it was indeed Mr Crumps intent to have the isolation.
But perhaps they are all wrong.
I was aware of the turf problems, as it was pointed out by those same members, but someone must have got it right, because the playing surface now is simply awesome, despite all the trees.
Again I stress that excess tree impingement has to be dealt with wherever it occurs.
At my home course,a Langford/ Moreau design that truly defines hidden gems,we had to remove some 200 trees for playability and as far as I am comcerned we could remove someto more closely "restore" the course to its intended look.
Quit simply our differences on PV are isolation versus the pre growth openness