I loved #7 for a few reasons. First, other than for moving about as much dirt as my son and I could dig by hand in a few hours to build the greens complex (yes, I know that you have to dig the whole thing out, etc. etc., but the end result looks like there's very little change from the natural grading) all that C/C had to do was pick the right trees to remove and the ones to keep, and the hole was done. A "found" hole wins over a "built" hole every time in my book.
I appreciate holes that reward two different shot shapes, in this case a draw off the tee and potentially a fade to the green. But thinking more about it, you really only needed one of those, the draw, if you could get it far enough left. The pin position that we saw on Sunday, front right, would seem to be one that the guarding right hand trees would impact a lot. I drew a 3-wood into the left center of the fairway, hit a slightly drawn PW (anything not moving hard left is a fade for me) 15' left of the hole, and then made the putt for birdie. And that's the best reason of all why it's a great hole!