Mike Hendren,
Trench bunkers are one of my favorite features, not just at greenside locations, but paralleling LZ's as well.
GCGC has some neat trench bunkers, some in use, some abandoned.
They provide a substantial tactical dilema in the play of the hole.
One of my favorites is the trench bunker behind the 10th green at GCGC. That green pitches/slopes from front to back, hence the ideal approach is long, below the hole, however, it you go too long, you'll be in the trench bunker.
It also places a good deal of pressure on the need to be precise if one is playing a ground or running shot into that green.
The issue of maintainance vis a vis sand pros is a valid one, however, one would have to ask, how much maintainance to they actually require. I submit, very little, and thus hand rakikng isn't that big of a maintainance burden.
There is a spectacular trench bunker on the right side of the second fairway on # 7 at GCGC. Pictures circa 1936 show how in play and tactically important that bunker is.
Hopefully, the club will restore that bunker and the tie in features, which would enhance that hole, and possibly some others.
The abandoned bunker on # 7 is almost identical to the active trench bunker running alongside the right of # 3 fairway in the driving LZ.
I'm actually shocked that it hasn't been restored yet, due to the obvious benefits of doing so.