Where's the consistency of results by using "a couple strong players with PW" versus the Paulometer? That's like suggesting there is no need for a stimpmeter because you can just have some good players putt a few balls around and tell you "slow", "medium", "fast", "scary", or "crazy"

I know the suggestion was somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but it really isn't a bad idea to develop something to test a green's surface for firmness. It would be nice to get clubs competing on something other than stimpmeter readings, and competition in that would carry over into less overwatered greens. Or at least those who overwater would enter into the "lowest possible Paulometer number" section of the competition, and we would all know to avoid those courses that are well known to attempt to maintain Paulometer readings below 2!
It would also be a way to separate the contenders from the pretenders in terms of how hard the greens and fairways are. It used to be pretty difficult to tell what someone meant by "fast greens" without a common point of reference. If someone says that Merion's greens are noticeably quicker than NGLA's, it doesn't mean much to someone who has played neither course. But now our friends in Australia and the UK pretty much know if we talk about an 8 or an 11 what we mean. But if someone in the sun baked areas of Texas and someone in the sun baked areas of Australia talk about firm greens, hard greens or teeboxes impossible to get your tee into, today they can't know who has it worse (or better) without some way to measure it.