Well, I just got back from a day with superintendent of North Shore, Scott Schaller, who is one of the most talented and resourceful superintendents I have met, and he is from a long line of golf course superintendents in his family. He grciously showed me the completed Renaissance Team project (except for some minor extra work coming up in the near future).
As you all know, they did the work at Valley Club of Montecito also which I was lucky enough to see and play this spring. Bruce Hepner and Brians Slawnik and I think Scheider, with Schaller's crew for labor feakin hit the ball out of the park, and off the reservation with North Shore!!! It is the most craftsman masterful work I have ever seen.
I will take some serious time to compile a report with pictures, and perhaps will not post them until the golf season allows me time to do this project justice. But, you folks ain't going to believe it till you see it. The "maintenance meld" and conditions that Schaller is providing to compliment Hepner's artistry is a marriage of two people's talents at the very pinnacle of their respective professions.