Jeremy, Jeff et al: In April of last year I played the Old Course in Reverse, two days after playing it anti-clockwise with my friend, John. My caddy for both days was David Coyne. David authored the yardage book for the Reverse routing, which the starter issued us at the start of play.
Pace of play did slow @8-11, but only the caddies seemed to mind, and why rush through the round at this place! On the inward nine I do recall two or three occasions in which you could not play the run-up, but instead had to pitch, not at all unpleasant.
The last day of the visit, I walked to the Road Hole and encountered two gents with the most perplexed expressions staring at the first tee wondering why the tee shots were all pulled left! I was tempted to share in their disbelief, but set them straight on the spectacle. Do not miss the opportunity to play the OLD LADY BACKWARDS.