After one play, I don't know how detailed I can be, but I'll throw in. I thought that the course was difficult, and while it doesn't seem to beg for a lot of strategic thought, it demands execution, which is to me why it seems like an appropriate course for the pros. The fairways seemed spongy to me, compared to the harder ones I'm used to here in Colorado. Not sure if that is a characteristic of the variety of grass. And to clarify, not spongy in the sense of wet and squishy, but in the sense that it seems to give when you step on it, and the feeling of the club as I swung through felt bouncy, rather than cutting into the turf. Just an impression. The course IS fairly flat, with some notable exceptions, and I didn't experience much in the way of sidehill lies, etc. I found the greens to be hard to read, but not loaded with interior contour. I'd see three inches of left-to-right break, and would then miss the put a foot left. Obviously the course's fault !!
The three holes that stood out to me were the third, more because it's lovely than for any other reason. I also remember the beautiful flight of my ball as it disappeared over the cliff behind the green. The approach to the seventh was intimidating, and fun. The pin was right, and only a fool would attempt to approach it, which I did. Key word here, "attempt." I also liked the much-reviled 13th, with its stairstep bunkers, mainly because I managed to hit into the one on the lower-right, and the recovery shot was a bear, uphill, blind, over the other two bunkers. Yow, yikes, and all. My subsequent recovery shot from the right bunker just short of the green was less intimidating, but more successful.
I can't say that the course embodies all of my favorite features, as it is narrow, fairly flat, fairly straight, and the greens don't contain a lot of contour. You won't hear my favorite golf phrase from the announcers much this weekend - "severely undulating." What it does have is a demand for accuracy off the tee, rough that, even at lengths much lower than the players are finding this week, was very difficult to advance from, and greens that might tend to make you miss by inches more than by feet. And it is a beautiful site. Playing it felt good, but severe - like getting the crap beat out of me by Heidi Klum.