Let's just assume a couple of the variables here and say that the new course will be approximately 7,000 yards. With that yardage we can put a ballpark figure for each area.
Fairways - 35 Acres
Tees - 4 Acres
Greens - 4 Acres
Practice Facility - 2-8 Acres
The practice facility acerage depends on whether or not you plan to have some sort of bentgrass range fairway or would just rather it be blue grass. Target greens more often than not will be bentgrass as will practice tees. Another thing to take a look at is the inclusion of a short game area which will undoubtedly have bentgrass somewhere on it.
Based on these figures there will be approximately 50 acres of bentgrass receiving varying degrees of maintenance practices and inputs of pesticides and fertilizers.
I can tell you for my golf course located in Columbus, Ohio, which has a slightly different climate than that of Nova Scotia, we spend on average around $450,000-$500,000 per year maintaining just our bentgrass surfaces alone. These numbers include labor, materials, pesticides, fertilizers, irrigation, equipment costs, etc. Certainly these costs vary due to prices on materials, pesticides, fertilizers and most importantly, labor. These numbers reflect a private club with a very high-end culture.
All right, I think that's enough for you to digest now, please keep the questions coming, I'm enjoying this.