Shivas wrote:
Again, Dave, you speak as if I actually HAVE an opinion. I don't.
No opinion? It seemed to me that on the RC v WH thread, you had some fairly strong opinions. Could you tell me which one of these are your opinions and which ones arent, so I can make some sense out of your posts?
-- Rustic's greens are "'interesting' which is a nice way of saying they aint all world."
-- There is consensus that RC is not all world from tee to green.
-- Kemper is better than Rustic tee to green, and pretty close to Rustic on the greens.
-- The concept of creativity being required at Rustic is a "bunch of hogwash."
-- Considering Rustic as a course which emphasizes "creativity" is lowering the bar, because the dilemnas at Rustic have obvious solutions.
-- No need to be able to hit it high, low, cut, or draw at Rustic because they will all work out about the same.
-- Kemper is better than Rustic, along with at least 2 other Chicago publics, with many others even or close behind.
-- Rustic is overrated by its proponents.
-- Rustic is underrated by the masses.
-- Rustic's reputation is based on being a big fish in a small pond.
-- Rustic is popular because it is in a big city with weak public golf.
-- Rustic is popular because there aren't many courses like it.
-- Rustic will not be considered a classic in 40 yrs.
-- More courses like Rustic will be built, and when they are we will see that Rustic isn't even nearly the best of those similar courses.
This seems to me to be an awful lot of opinions for a guy who saw nine holes one time, and has no opinion.
By the way Shivas I disagree with everyone of these except for the better Chicago golf posts (no knowledge.) As to the not "world class greens" comment, Rustic's greens are without a doubt one of the better sets of greens I have played in America. I lack the knowledge to comment on the rest of the world, or on the courses I haven't yet seen.