I'll bet you Tom is just waiting for a Husker to chime in this whole issue!!

And, I think Shivas must want to become a Husker, being we got a Chicago native coaching us now!!

Anyway, my $.02 is that this would never happen, but the people of our state would eat it up if it did. Heck, I would drive 3 1/2 hours a day from Grand Island to volunteer for that sucker.
The obvious logistics are where would people stay, etc. My guess is if you limited the tickets to like 20,000 a day, you could have people park in North Platte and Ogallala and then ship them to the place. Or, my guess is you could get Joe Rancher from Mullen or Thedford to give up a 1,000 acres to the USGA for the week to let folks park in the grass.
Selling 1-day tickets would be fine, but selling a week long pass for 4-day set would be tough, just because of the lodging issues.
But, remember we are resourceful bunch. We pack 76,000 sreaming goofballs into a Stadium in Lincoln every Saturday in the fall and most of them drive at minimum 2 hours to see the game. In fact, I would be willing to venture 30-40% of the season ticket holders drive at least 3 hours to the Lincoln for home games.
If Mr. Youngscap, the SH members and the USGA wanted this to happen the people of Nebraska would most definately get behind it to make sure it happened.