I am certain that the course would be tougher if the rough surrounding the green complexes were cut short.
This is a wonderful comment and one that I believe is crux to the "standard" maintenance presentation, that is pervasive throughout the land. And it is the following
The reason why the course is set up with the rough is the US Open factor--Only a couple Open favorites are missing. This traditional role of the course is maintained throughout the season --guests ( a heavy number) always like playing what the pros played!
Do you think there will be any mention next week of the ambiguity in course set-up at Shineythinghy?
As I understand it, you can't just go in, and retrain the grass, this late in the season. (unless the temp droped for a spell??Paging professional truf heads)
Therefore, it's up to the membership, and specifically their greens committee, to learn exactly what the ideal meld, for their course is, and present it as such.
If the pga wants something else, so be it, somewhere else.
Heck, what's $17,000 per member. Tip money?