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Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #25 on: June 08, 2004, 09:05:03 AM »
  Is it possible for a bunker to be TOO deep? They are hazards after all, and their point is to extract a penalty. I haven't seen these bunkers on TV or in person, and I will take your word for it that they weren't done well, but even without seeing them, I sincerely doubt they are too deep.
   BTW, how deep are they? :)


I don't know the exact depth of each of the bunkers (there are a lot of them), however, yes, a bunker can be too deep if it is impossible to get out....

Patrick brings up a good point about an aerial view of bunkers not being indicative of how they actually look at ground level and affect the golfer trying to avoid them. However, I think one could still conclude from an aerial if the bunkering takes up too much space and forces the golfers to hit irons off the tee, that it was poorly thought out.

I agree with Pat that the aerial view is not the ONLY view one should consider, however, this course is in existince for the primary purpose of portraying a "mini-major" year after year, which incidentaly is broadcast on TV year after year.  Therefore, when making changes, perhaps one of the considerations should be "how will that look from the truck?".

If I remember correctly, the original poster was not dismissing the merits of the bunkers "playabilty:, yet he was saying how he disliked how they "looked"?


Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #26 on: June 08, 2004, 09:08:35 AM »
tommy w

you hit on a good point near the end of your post.  MVGC suffers from a forced routing and forced manufacturing to create one of the world's best housing tracts. A course cn only be so good as a housing tract.

s j mccarthy

I have not seen the bunkers in person, I rendered an opinion that a pond might have served the design intent better and may well have been more easily maintainable. I thought given the Nicklaus penchant for water that a pond would have been more appropriate and said so earlier in the thread.  I not only jumped on the bandwagon, but also offered a potential solution.  A large single bunker might have fit as well, however I am going to presume that multiple bunkers were deemed more likely to extract a greater penalty.  I jsut wonder why they did not go all the way to the "pond" hazard.


I am only guessing that due to the elevation and slope of that hole (those bunkers being on the highest part) would preclude this from being a suitable site for a pond?  I would imagine that a pond at that height would be a huge cost issue to not only build, but also to maintain?

Andy Hughes

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #27 on: June 08, 2004, 09:15:23 AM »
(1) They're totally invisible, and therefore a stupid,"gotcha trap" that the golfer has no idea is coming,
Shivas, I remember the first time I played the Old Course, I didn't have a clue #12 had ANY fairway bunkers. Didn't see anything from the tee that made me hesitate.  I blithely hit a long iron out there in the fairway, walked up to my ball sitting sweet in the fairway, and was shocked to see bunkers all over the place.  Ever after, I put far more thought (where do I want to hit this, how can I get it there, what club will work etc) into that "gotcha" tee shot...
"Perhaps I'm incorrect..."--P. Mucci 6/7/2007


  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #28 on: June 08, 2004, 09:40:07 AM »
Andy, I just played the Old Course for the first time, and was pleasantly surprised that the 110 pound green fee included one of the best "Stroke Savers" (yardage book over there) I've ever seen.  You couldn't see those bunkers on #12 from the tee, but you sure could see them in the book!


Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #29 on: June 08, 2004, 09:55:19 AM »
SJ McCarthy,

I have seen (and played) thoose bunkers within the last 45 days.  They LOOK horrible, are way too deep and quite frankly look like an "afterthought".  

Have you seen them in person ?

NO, but then again I never offered an opinion on them.

You may not have offered your opinion, however you were mighty quick to tell the original poster that in essence, HIS opinion of them can not be substantiated because he has not viewed them in person.

You've almost got it right.
How can you render a credible, analytical opinion on a smattering of limited exposure or evidence ?

If you're familiar with my posts I don't offer opinions on courses or features I haven't experienced personally.
In other words, I disqualify myself, through silence, as a credible source.

No snipe here Pat, but silence was one thing on this issue you did not show.  The fact that you think someones "opinion" was wrong, because they did not see it in person is akin to saying "if you have not seen "insert model name here" in person, you can't say she's beuatiful.  It is all in the eye of the beholder / poster.  Regardless of where (blimp, crane or hand held camera, TV) it was viewed from.

I didn't say it was wrong.  Go back and reread my posts and show me where I said it was wrong.
And NO, it's not all in the eye of the beholder, that phrase assumes that the beholder has seen it all, and in this case few have seen it at all, and, those that have, only in the context of an aerial from 3,000 feet.  That hardly qualifies as due diligence under any evaluative standard.

I do not believe anyone is qualified to pass on the merits of any one hole, let alone eighteen holes, unless he has played them under all of the varying conditions possible---varying winds, rain, heat, frost, etc., etc..

How deep are the bunkers top to bottom, and how deep are they relative to the adjacent fairway ?  Are the floors below fairway grade ?

Specifically?  I have no idea, tape measure and transit were not part of the tools I carried those three days.  As for their relative position to the fairway, some bottoms are below, some are above and I am guessing some are even with the fairway.  Keep in mind that the entire right side of this hole (including right of center fairway) is higher than the rest of the hole.

I'm aware of the topography, that's why I asked the question.  If you don't know the answers, just say so.[/color]

Weren't there bunkers at that location previously ?

Yes, and why ask that as you already know the answer?

Because others didn't know it, and it's germane to the discussion[/color]

What specifically makes them look like an "afterthought " ?

Firstly, the fact that the sand is a different color and consistency than the others.  Secondly, the facing and mounding around the new ones is obviously not in keeping with the others.  Thirdly, as we were playing over a 3 day period, the newest (and deepest) bunker was being re-done because good old Jack thought it needed to be deeper.

New bunkers almost always have sand of a different color.  Weather, maintainance and play tend to equal them out, but the color of the sand has nothing to do with their architectural configuration, location and playability.

New bunkers never have the same consistency as old bunkers.
What is the particle size of the new versus the old bunkers, and did the sand come from the same pit or location ?

If Jack thought that they should be deeper, how do you know that he's not correct in fine tuning them ?

Fred Couples had a horribly awkward lie and came within inches of hitting the green.   I would imagine that a good lie in the floor of the bunker wouldn't have troubled him much.

The same could be said of almost any (note I said almost any) bunker.  Yes Fred almost stuck it, Freds a pro, the majority of golfers are NOT.

You could take the majority of golfers to any golf course, with any similar bunker configuration and duplicate that lie, and the difficulty associated with it.
Pine Valley, Winged Foot, Shinnecock, and the results would be the same.

How far are they from the green, from the back of the bunker closest to the tee to the front of the bunker closest to the green ?

You are joking right? Again, next time I make a trip to Dublin, I will bring my transit in order to answer your questions.

I'm not joking and you don't seem to understand anything about shot value and risk/reward.
Instead of just playing golf for three days, look around and absorb the spacial relationships of the features on the golf course

The bottom line is this thread was started by a person whoi diliked the look of those bunkers.  That is his opinion, nothing ANY of us says here makes him right or wrong.  We are all still allowed to post opinions no?

Sure, you can post all the opinions you want, and I'll continue to post on the absurdity of those opinions, opinions which are not based on all of the substantive facts, but on evaluations made from limited aerial views from 3,000
« Last Edit: June 08, 2004, 09:57:59 AM by Patrick_Mucci »

Steve Lang

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #30 on: June 08, 2004, 10:05:52 AM »

Have folks forgot that 30 years ago JN was building holes that favored his capabilities?  #18 is perfect example of hole that hurts right to left players and favors left to right ball flight and you must be long to get around the corner when doing that!  

Last time I was at Muirfield was in 1989, but I believe from the tee you mainly see left side trees and know the creek is there and know very well the right side is death of another sort..

From ground level, I can't see these bunkers having any real visual impact, all just mental off the tee..
Inverness (Toledo, OH) cathedral clock inscription: "God measures men by what they are. Not what they in wealth possess.  That vibrant message chimes afar.
The voice of Inverness"

Andy Hughes

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #31 on: June 08, 2004, 10:42:15 AM »
Andy, I just played the Old Course for the first time, and was pleasantly surprised that the 110 pound green fee included one of the best "Stroke Savers" (yardage book over there) I've ever seen.  You couldn't see those bunkers on #12 from the tee, but you sure could see them in the book!
Bill, yeah, I ended up buying the Stroke Saver.  I was 21 at the time, and trying to save money where I could (cheap housing, food, no caddies etc).  'Course, once I had the yardage book and could see what was there, I never again hit such a confident tee shot as that first one on #12!  :)
"Perhaps I'm incorrect..."--P. Mucci 6/7/2007


  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #32 on: June 08, 2004, 11:47:19 AM »
  Thanks for the feedback regarding the new bunkering at Muirfield. However, I still don't agree about depth of bunkers. I have never seen one I couldn't get out of, of course that doesn't mean they don't exist, but I doubt it. If bunkers aren't deep enough to extract a penalty, then they aren't serving their function IMHO.
"Perimeter-weighted fairways", The best euphemism for containment mounding I've ever heard.

John Nixon

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #33 on: June 08, 2004, 11:52:53 AM »
John Nixon & Tommy Williamsen,

I wonder what the members think of the bunkers ?

The PGA Tour pros only play the course one week a year,
the members play it year round.

I'd be curious to hear from some of them with respect to their views on these bunkers.

My impression was that the  bunker configuration at #18 was changed specifically in response to the PGA pros' ability to handle that hole. I'd be curious too to know what the members think, or to what extent the members' concerns are taken into account when proposing changes to a course like MV.

Personally I'd be driving my tee shot well short of the bunkers anyway, and my second shot would clear them easily on its way to landing about a wedge away from the green.  ;)


Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #34 on: June 08, 2004, 06:17:54 PM »
SJ McCarthy,

I have seen (and played) thoose bunkers within the last 45 days.  They LOOK horrible, are way too deep and quite frankly look like an "afterthought".  

Have you seen them in person ?

NO, but then again I never offered an opinion on them.

You may not have offered your opinion, however you were mighty quick to tell the original poster that in essence, HIS opinion of them can not be substantiated because he has not viewed them in person.

You've almost got it right.
How can you render a credible, analytical opinion on a smattering of limited exposure or evidence ?

Anyone can render a credible OPINION on almsot any subject even if he/she ony has a "smattering" of exposure regarding said subject.  

\O*pin"ion\, n. [F., from L. opinio. See Opine.] 1. That which is opined; a notion or conviction founded on probable evidence; belief stronger than impression, less strong than positive knowledge; settled judgment in regard to any point of knowledge or action.

No where in the above DEFINITION of the word itself does it say one has to have ABSOLUTE, THOROUGH & COMPLETE information to formulate an opinion.

If you're familiar with my posts I don't offer opinions on courses or features I haven't experienced personally.
In other words, I disqualify myself, through silence, as a credible source.

No snipe here Pat, but silence was one thing on this issue you did not show.  The fact that you think someones "opinion" was wrong, because they did not see it in person is akin to saying "if you have not seen "insert model name here" in person, you can't say she's beuatiful.  It is all in the eye of the beholder / poster.  Regardless of where (blimp, crane or hand held camera, TV) it was viewed from.

I didn't say it was wrong.  Go back and reread my posts and show me where I said it was wrong.
And NO, it's not all in the eye of the beholder, that phrase assumes that the beholder has seen it all, and in this case few have seen it at all, and, those that have, only in the context of an aerial from 3,000 feet.  That hardly qualifies as due diligence under any evaluative standard.

Fine, you did not state his opinion was incorrect, you did however say he was incorrect for portraying such an opinion (you must have been or still are a litigator)because he did not have emperical knowledge of the specific item he was giving an opinion on.

Disagree 100% that it's NOT in the eye of the beholder.  It is HIS opinion, NOT yours, therefore you can't say he is wrong for any reason, unless YOU can conclusivley prove he is wrong, right?

\Be*hold"er\, n. One who beholds; a spectator.

I do not believe anyone is qualified to pass on the merits of any one hole, let alone eighteen holes, unless he has played them under all of the varying conditions possible---varying winds, rain, heat, frost, etc., etc..

Wow....pretty heady opinion there Pat, again, not to fan the flames, but now, I think your opinion is somewhat off base (note, did not say your opinion was wrong).  In essence, if in fact the above is true, then there are many architects who can not be qualified to pass on the merits of a course or hole they designed because they have not played them or it in EVERY possible condition??

How deep are the bunkers top to bottom, and how deep are they relative to the adjacent fairway ?  Are the floors below fairway grade ?

Specifically?  I have no idea, tape measure and transit were not part of the tools I carried those three days.  As for their relative position to the fairway, some bottoms are below, some are above and I am guessing some are even with the fairway.  Keep in mind that the entire right side of this hole (including right of center fairway) is higher than the rest of the hole.

I'm aware of the topography, that's why I asked the question.  If you don't know the answers, just say so.[/color]

I didn't have the specific unit of measurement you were looking for, however, in an attempt to NOT answer a direct question, I was attempting to make those that are not aware of it, the general topography, geez Pat, lighten up a notch!

Weren't there bunkers at that location previously ?

Yes, and why ask that as you already know the answer?

Because others didn't know it, and it's germane to the discussion[/color]

What specifically makes them look like an "afterthought " ?

Firstly, the fact that the sand is a different color and consistency than the others.  Secondly, the facing and mounding around the new ones is obviously not in keeping with the others.  Thirdly, as we were playing over a 3 day period, the newest (and deepest) bunker was being re-done because good old Jack thought it needed to be deeper.

New bunkers almost always have sand of a different color.  Weather, maintainance and play tend to equal them out, but the color of the sand has nothing to do with their architectural configuration, location and playability.

Foul on the play!  Are you saying that a stark white / fluffy (augusta) type bunker has the same playability as a nasty pot bunker, with stacked sod face and more grainy / hard / pebble type surface are the same?

New bunkers never have the same consistency as old bunkers.
What is the particle size of the new versus the old bunkers, and did the sand come from the same pit or location ?

I have no answer to the particle size, I can however say the makeup of the sand is NOT the same as most other bunkers on the course.  Who (other than the super) could possibly know if the sand came from the same pit?

If Jack thought that they should be deeper, how do you know that he's not correct in fine tuning them ?

I never said Jack was wrong, please show me where I said this?

Fred Couples had a horribly awkward lie and came within inches of hitting the green.   I would imagine that a good lie in the floor of the bunker wouldn't have troubled him much.

The same could be said of almost any (note I said almost any) bunker.  Yes Fred almost stuck it, Freds a pro, the majority of golfers are NOT.

You could take the majority of golfers to any golf course, with any similar bunker configuration and duplicate that lie, and the difficulty associated with it.
Pine Valley, Winged Foot, Shinnecock, and the results would be the same.

Please clarify, when you say "You could take the majority of golfers", which cross sections of golfers do you refer to?  Pros, am's, scratch am's? 26+ handicappers?

How far are they from the green, from the back of the bunker closest to the tee to the front of the bunker closest to the green ?

You are joking right? Again, next time I make a trip to Dublin, I will bring my transit in order to answer your questions.

I'm not joking and you don't seem to understand anything about shot value and risk/reward.
Instead of just playing golf for three days, look around and absorb the spacial relationships of the features on the golf course

You see Pat, for some reason you think you need to insult me.  It's your opinion on wether or not I understand playabilty or shot vale, I will not argue that other than to disagree.  THAT is not even germain to this discussion in any way other than a typical attempt on your part to stir the pot, I am not, nor will I bite on that one....

The bottom line is this thread was started by a person whoi diliked the look of those bunkers.  That is his opinion, nothing ANY of us says here makes him right or wrong.  We are all still allowed to post opinions no?

Sure, you can post all the opinions you want, and I'll continue to post on the absurdity of those opinions, opinions which are not based on all of the substantive facts, but on evaluations made from limited aerial views from 3,000

Pat, no one is trying to fight her but one has to ask, what's YOUR motivation for insulting me?

Pete Buczkowski

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #35 on: June 08, 2004, 06:25:05 PM »
I had the same thoughts about the bunkering complex at the 18th.  I haven't played it in person but it is very reminiscient of the bunkering at the 18th hole at Kings North in Myrtle Beach.  The difference being that KN has even more bunkers and they are down the left side.  

Another example of this bunkering style occurs at Falcon's Fire in Orlando.  While I haven't viewed MVGC in person, the bunkering at the other two leaves a bit to be desired.


Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #36 on: June 08, 2004, 09:28:32 PM »
SJ McCarthy,

Anyone can render a credible OPINION on almsot any subject even if he/she ony has a "smattering" of exposure regarding said subject.  

\O*pin"ion\, n. [F., from L. opinio. See Opine.] 1. That which is opined; a notion or conviction founded on probable evidence; belief stronger than impression, less strong than positive knowledge; settled judgment in regard to any point of knowledge or action.

No where in the above DEFINITION of the word itself does it say one has to have ABSOLUTE, THOROUGH & COMPLETE information to formulate an opinion.

Look up the word CREDIBLE[/color]

Fine, you did not state his opinion was incorrect.


you did however say he was incorrect for portraying such an opinion (you must have been or still are a litigator)because he did not have emperical knowledge of the specific item he was giving an opinion on.

I never said that.
Could you cite for me the quote from a specific post that supports your statement ?

I do not believe anyone is qualified to pass on the merits of any one hole, let alone eighteen holes, unless he has played them under all of the varying conditions possible---varying winds, rain, heat, frost, etc., etc..[/b][/color]

Wow....pretty heady opinion there Pat, again, not to fan the flames, but now, I think your opinion is somewhat off base (note, did not say your opinion was wrong).  In essence, if in fact the above is true, then there are many architects who can not be qualified to pass on the merits of a course or hole they designed because they have not played them or it in EVERY possible condition??

Are you familiar with the golf course architecture of Charles Blair MacDonald ?

Have you read his book, "Scotland's Gift" ?

I didn't have the specific unit of measurement you were looking for, however, in an attempt to NOT answer a direct question, I was attempting to make those that are not aware of it, the general topography, geez Pat, lighten up a notch!

Are you saying that after three days of playing the golf course you don't have enough information on those features to offer a credible opinion on the dimensions, depth and configuration of that bunker complex ?

How can a 10 second snipet be sufficient to offer a credible opinion, when three days of on site observation is insufficient ?

What specifically makes them look like an "afterthought " ?

Foul on the play!  Are you saying that a stark white / fluffy (augusta) type bunker has the same playability as a nasty pot bunker, with stacked sod face and more grainy / hard / pebble type surface are the same?

I'm saying that the color is immaterial, and that the sun, weather, rain  percolation, Mother Nature and daily play will mute the color of th bunkers.

Almost all new bunker sand is fluffy.
Have you played Augusta ?
I have, and the sand is anything but fluffy.

Are you saying that the partical size and the texture of the sand are dramtically different, as in your example of pebbles versus granules ?

New bunkers never have the same consistency as old bunkers.
What is the particle size of the new versus the old bunkers, and did the sand come from the same pit or location ?

I have no answer to the particle size, I can however say the makeup of the sand is NOT the same as most other bunkers on the course.  

How do you know that, did you analyze the sand in most of the other bunkers on the golf course ?

Did you play out of most of the bunkers on the golf course ?

Who (other than the super) could possibly know if the sand came from the same pit?

The green commitee, manager, pro and other individuals[/color]

If Jack thought that they should be deeper, how do you know that he's not correct in fine tuning them ?[/b][/color]

I never said Jack was wrong, please show me where I said this?

I believe you might have erased your post, but, when you described what was wrong with them, you listed three points, and the third point was that "good old Jack' was making them deeper, implying that there was something wrong with them.  Your first two points also listed what you thought was wrong with them.  

You can find your exact quote in Reply # 29

Please clarify, when you say "You could take the majority of golfers", which cross sections of golfers do you refer to?  Pros, am's, scratch am's? 26+ handicappers?

Your memory must be slipping,
I'm referencing the same majority that you referenced when I quoted you in post # 34.  Go look it up

You see Pat, for some reason you think you need to insult me.  

You were the one who initiated the sniping, and admited to it. You made snide remarks, if you can't take it, don't dish it out[/color]

It's your opinion on wether or not I understand playabilty or shot vale, I will not argue that other than to disagree.  THAT is not even germain to this discussion in any way other than a typical attempt on your part to stir the pot, I am not, nor will I bite on that one....

You're wrong, again.  The significance of the distance that the bunker complex is from the green determines shot value, risk/reward, strategy and challenge.  It is a material factor, especially in the context of bunker depth.
Bunker depth and its relationship to bunker distance to the green are relevant factors, don't dismiss them because you didn't know enough to examine that facet of the bunker complex.  Your oversight shouldn't be an excuse to take me to task.

Pat, no one is trying to fight here but one has to ask, what's YOUR motivation for insulting me?

I'm just responding in kind.
I asked a legitimate question and YOU changed the tone of the discussion.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2004, 09:33:33 PM by Patrick_Mucci »


Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #37 on: June 09, 2004, 10:16:13 PM »
Pat, I give up.  You win, you are always right.  I think the name of this website needs to be changed ASAP to the site, does anyone (other than you pat) second my motion?

Yes Pat, those are my closing arguments.  Now kindly go back and crawl under the rock (and no I don't know what "pit" said rock was aquired from) from which you came, thank you!

SJ McCarthy,

Anyone can render a credible OPINION on almsot any subject even if he/she ony has a "smattering" of exposure regarding said subject.  

\O*pin"ion\, n. [F., from L. opinio. See Opine.] 1. That which is opined; a notion or conviction founded on probable evidence; belief stronger than impression, less strong than positive knowledge; settled judgment in regard to any point of knowledge or action.

No where in the above DEFINITION of the word itself does it say one has to have ABSOLUTE, THOROUGH & COMPLETE information to formulate an opinion.

Look up the word CREDIBLE[/color]

Fine, you did not state his opinion was incorrect.


you did however say he was incorrect for portraying such an opinion (you must have been or still are a litigator)because he did not have emperical knowledge of the specific item he was giving an opinion on.

I never said that.
Could you cite for me the quote from a specific post that supports your statement ?

I do not believe anyone is qualified to pass on the merits of any one hole, let alone eighteen holes, unless he has played them under all of the varying conditions possible---varying winds, rain, heat, frost, etc., etc..[/b][/color]

Wow....pretty heady opinion there Pat, again, not to fan the flames, but now, I think your opinion is somewhat off base (note, did not say your opinion was wrong).  In essence, if in fact the above is true, then there are many architects who can not be qualified to pass on the merits of a course or hole they designed because they have not played them or it in EVERY possible condition??

Are you familiar with the golf course architecture of Charles Blair MacDonald ?

Have you read his book, "Scotland's Gift" ?

I didn't have the specific unit of measurement you were looking for, however, in an attempt to NOT answer a direct question, I was attempting to make those that are not aware of it, the general topography, geez Pat, lighten up a notch!

Are you saying that after three days of playing the golf course you don't have enough information on those features to offer a credible opinion on the dimensions, depth and configuration of that bunker complex ?

How can a 10 second snipet be sufficient to offer a credible opinion, when three days of on site observation is insufficient ?

What specifically makes them look like an "afterthought " ?

Foul on the play!  Are you saying that a stark white / fluffy (augusta) type bunker has the same playability as a nasty pot bunker, with stacked sod face and more grainy / hard / pebble type surface are the same?

I'm saying that the color is immaterial, and that the sun, weather, rain  percolation, Mother Nature and daily play will mute the color of th bunkers.

Almost all new bunker sand is fluffy.
Have you played Augusta ?
I have, and the sand is anything but fluffy.

Are you saying that the partical size and the texture of the sand are dramtically different, as in your example of pebbles versus granules ?

New bunkers never have the same consistency as old bunkers.
What is the particle size of the new versus the old bunkers, and did the sand come from the same pit or location ?

I have no answer to the particle size, I can however say the makeup of the sand is NOT the same as most other bunkers on the course.  

How do you know that, did you analyze the sand in most of the other bunkers on the golf course ?

Did you play out of most of the bunkers on the golf course ?

Who (other than the super) could possibly know if the sand came from the same pit?

The green commitee, manager, pro and other individuals[/color]

If Jack thought that they should be deeper, how do you know that he's not correct in fine tuning them ?[/b][/color]

I never said Jack was wrong, please show me where I said this?

I believe you might have erased your post, but, when you described what was wrong with them, you listed three points, and the third point was that "good old Jack' was making them deeper, implying that there was something wrong with them.  Your first two points also listed what you thought was wrong with them.  

You can find your exact quote in Reply # 29

Please clarify, when you say "You could take the majority of golfers", which cross sections of golfers do you refer to?  Pros, am's, scratch am's? 26+ handicappers?

Your memory must be slipping,
I'm referencing the same majority that you referenced when I quoted you in post # 34.  Go look it up

You see Pat, for some reason you think you need to insult me.  

You were the one who initiated the sniping, and admited to it. You made snide remarks, if you can't take it, don't dish it out[/color]

It's your opinion on wether or not I understand playabilty or shot vale, I will not argue that other than to disagree.  THAT is not even germain to this discussion in any way other than a typical attempt on your part to stir the pot, I am not, nor will I bite on that one....

You're wrong, again.  The significance of the distance that the bunker complex is from the green determines shot value, risk/reward, strategy and challenge.  It is a material factor, especially in the context of bunker depth.
Bunker depth and its relationship to bunker distance to the green are relevant factors, don't dismiss them because you didn't know enough to examine that facet of the bunker complex.  Your oversight shouldn't be an excuse to take me to task.

Pat, no one is trying to fight here but one has to ask, what's YOUR motivation for insulting me?

I'm just responding in kind.
I asked a legitimate question and YOU changed the tone of the discussion.


Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #38 on: June 10, 2004, 06:12:55 AM »
SJ McCarthy,

You complain about insults then tell me to go crawl back under the rock I came out from under.  That's exactly what I'd expect from you.  You started with the sniping, and then when you get it back, full bore, you can't take it.

The only problem I'd have with crawling under a rock is disturbing your sleep, you'd have to wake up, move over or find another rock.

You can't debate architecture, you're not familiar with the spacial relationships of the architectural features on a golf course that you played for three straight days, so you reveal your true character in the heat of the debate.

Rather then type, go back to licking your wounds, wounds borne of your own ignorance regarding the architecture on a golf course you played for three straight days.

As for me, I'm off to play a golf course for two straight days,
not three, but I can assure you, that I'll notice more in those two then you'll notice in a lifetime.


Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #39 on: June 10, 2004, 07:02:16 AM »
C'mon, Pat

Lighten up!

SJ has made some honest observations from the real world that are apropos to the issue at hand.  You may or may be not be a more meticulous observer of golf courses than he, but so what?  Most likely, you are just different rather than "better" and both of you seem to love golf and are kind enough to put your honest thoughts about our game and its venues onto this website.

Quite frankly, SJ has added much more value to this thread than have you.


PS--let us know about your upcoming 2-day intensive golf course observation exercise! ;)



Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #40 on: June 10, 2004, 08:57:25 AM »

You are correct on one thing only in this post, I insulted you.

You are wrong that I can't debate architecture.  I care not to debate architecture with a zealot like yourself


\Zeal"ot\, n. [F. z['e]lote, L. zelotes, Gr. ?. See Zeal.] One who is zealous; one who engages warmly in any cause, and pursues his object with earnestness and ardor; especially, one who is overzealous, or carried away by his zeal; one absorbed in devotion to anything; an enthusiast; a fanatical partisan.

Now, the definition above is particular to you in the second portion (IMHO).  You have a penchant in these discussions you disagree with to not only side step direct questions, but to then re-direct the discussion to non-crucial (nor germain) portions that YOU (and only you) think are germain.

Pat, you obviously are qualified to discuss the merits of almost any facet of architecture, however, and I think most here would agree, where you "go bad" is when you try to debate by insulting ones beliefs and character.  Do you care that that is how I view you?  I hope not. The same way that your insults are not in the least important to me.  Your viewpoints regarding my abilities don't add up tomuch either.

Just because one holds a lesser desire to fight you in words, does not mean one is lesser than you.  That I am sure you learned year one at law school, as long ago as that may have been, I know you know that much!

As for not being able to take your brow beating, sure I can take it, however, I just dont feel as if it is a good use of my time to sit and type answering yourquestions which are not germain.

Now, how could YOU possibly say "thats what I expect from you", as you have no way of knowing anything about me other than my feelings on the bunker complex @ MVGC?  

Enjoy your two day trip to NJ

SJ McCarthy,

You complain about insults then tell me to go crawl back under the rock I came out from under.  That's exactly what I'd expect from you.  You started with the sniping, and then when you get it back, full bore, you can't take it.

The only problem I'd have with crawling under a rock is disturbing your sleep, you'd have to wake up, move over or find another rock.

You can't debate architecture, you're not familiar with the spacial relationships of the architectural features on a golf course that you played for three straight days, so you reveal your true character in the heat of the debate.

Rather then type, go back to licking your wounds, wounds borne of your own ignorance regarding the architecture on a golf course you played for three straight days.

As for me, I'm off to play a golf course for two straight days,
not three, but I can assure you, that I'll notice more in those two then you'll notice in a lifetime.


Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #41 on: June 10, 2004, 05:23:56 PM »

Thanks for the vote of support.


It is going to be nice and quiet while Pat is away playing for 2 days!!!!

C'mon, Pat

Lighten up!

SJ has made some honest observations from the real world that are apropos to the issue at hand.  You may or may be not be a more meticulous observer of golf courses than he, but so what?  Most likely, you are just different rather than "better" and both of you seem to love golf and are kind enough to put your honest thoughts about our game and its venues onto this website.

Quite frankly, SJ has added much more value to this thread than have you.


PS--let us know about your upcoming 2-day intensive golf course observation exercise! ;)



Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #42 on: June 12, 2004, 10:30:30 AM »
Rich Goodale,

This was my intitial post on this thread.

A simple question that tried to determine the context in which the original question/premise and responses were posted.

Matt, Shivas and Bill,

Have any of you seen those bunkers in person, from the tee or fairway ?

Or are you solely basing your analysis on the aerial view from the blimp ?

If SJ or anyone else is uncomfortable with a question which attempts to ascertain the context of the evaluation, that's their problem.  It's a critical question for those serious about the discussion of golf course architecture.  If you want to engage in frivolous discussions, the question is immaterial.

SJ MacCarthy,

You admit, in your post above, to insulting ME,

Then you go on to tell me that where I "go bad", is when I insult the BELIEFS of others.

That's a little disengenuous on your part, isn't it ?

And, there's a big difference between insulting someone's beliefs versus insulting them personally, which is what you did.

Certain beliefs deserve to be insulted.

As an example, I'll cite a belief that a anonymous poster put forth.

"Rees Jones golf courses don't make you think"

Another was when a poster BASHED Fazio's designs, yet he had never seen or played a Fazio design.

Making a thorough, intelligent analysis of a bunker complex based on several seconds of aerial views from 3,000 feet is another.

YOU, and YOU alone set the tone for our discussion.

If you wanted it to be on a more civil, less personalized level, then perhaps you should have thought twice before making the mistake of posting insulting personal comments.

You can't have it both ways.
You can't be insulting and not expect people to respond in kind.

Getting back to the architectural aspect of the discussion, you mentioned that the sand in the bunkers at Augusta was fluffy.  When did you play there when they had that quality ? Was it when new sand had recently been introduced ?

You also mentioned that the bunkers at Muirfield had different types of sand in them.  Some contained pebble like sand and the others contained granular like sand.  Is Muirfield in the midst of a bunker sand project whereby they are excavating one type of sand and replacing it with another ?

Are you sure that the bunker sand is inconsistent to the degree you describe, pebbles versus granules ?

Forrest Richardson

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #43 on: June 13, 2004, 12:14:43 AM »
hideous —

Since this word takes its root from the Middle English, "terror"...bringing about terror as a result of its appearance...what is wrong with such a hazard?

— Curious in Phoenix
— Forrest Richardson, Golf Course Architect/ASGCA


Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #44 on: June 13, 2004, 09:20:11 AM »
Rich Goodale,

This was my intitial post on this thread.

A simple question that tried to determine the context in which the original question/premise and responses were posted.

Matt, Shivas and Bill,

Have any of you seen those bunkers in person, from the tee or fairway ?

Or are you solely basing your analysis on the aerial view from the blimp ?

If SJ or anyone else is uncomfortable with a question which attempts to ascertain the context of the evaluation, that's their problem.  It's a critical question for those serious about the discussion of golf course architecture.  If you want to engage in frivolous discussions, the question is immaterial.

SJ MacCarthy,

You admit, in your post above, to insulting ME,

Then you go on to tell me that where I "go bad", is when I insult the BELIEFS of others.

Correct on both points.  I insulted you after you tore apart my honest answers to your questions.  Again, you feel as if we all want to hear your POV and ONLY your POV.

That's a little disengenuous on your part, isn't it ?

Not in the least.  Again, your tone in reply to my replies to others (and yourself) led to the tone of my apparently "insulting" remarks to you.  Funny though, you choose now (not then when I apparently did it) to bring me to task, your motive doing this now is what?  To once again prove you are always right?

And, there's a big difference between insulting someone's beliefs versus insulting them personally, which is what you did.

Only after you insulted me for answering questions honestly.

Certain beliefs deserve to be insulted.

OK, pot calling the kettle black again?

As an example, I'll cite a belief that a anonymous poster put forth.

"Rees Jones golf courses don't make you think"

Irrelevant to this discussion.

Another was when a poster BASHED Fazio's designs, yet he had never seen or played a Fazio design.

See above.

Making a thorough, intelligent analysis of a bunker complex based on several seconds of aerial views from 3,000 feet is another.

I did no such thing.

YOU, and YOU alone set the tone for our discussion.

If that were in fact true, we would not be having a discussion that contained two (or more) persons views and input, if what you say is true, then it would be a lecture.

If you wanted it to be on a more civil, less personalized level, then perhaps you should have thought twice before making the mistake of posting insulting personal comments.

Wow, perhaps we (you) are having issues about being repetitive and not letting an issue within an issue die....

You can't have it both ways.
You can't be insulting and not expect people to respond in kind.

You are missing the point, I don't mind the insult, but see above, you give, you get, both barrels.

Getting back to the architectural aspect of the discussion, you mentioned that the sand in the bunkers at Augusta was fluffy.  When did you play there when they had that quality ? Was it when new sand had recently been introduced ?

Who said I played there?  It's pretty easy to LOOK at sand (in person) and determine it's consistency.  Perhaps once one is IN the sand playing it, their impression might change, who knows!

You also mentioned that the bunkers at Muirfield had different types of sand in them.  Some contained pebble like sand and the others contained granular like sand.  Is Muirfield in the midst of a bunker sand project whereby they are excavating one type of sand and replacing it with another ?

WRONG.  Put your glasses on and go back and read what I originally wrote.  I did not specifically say Muirfields bunker were x or y, merely that they were different.  Again, this is another example of you changing the tone of the discussion in an attempt to later come back and try to trample down my beliefs.

Are you sure that the bunker sand is inconsistent to the degree you describe, pebbles versus granules ?

I am POSITIVE that the sand is inconsistent, how dare you think you are even slightly qualified to ask that question YET again.  Here is the bottom line Pat.  I have been there and played it recently, I think the bunker complex looks terrible, both from 3k feet and at ground level.  I think this because the simple fact is they are ugly.  They are not consistent in texture, shape nor depth of the bunkers on the REST of the course.  Here is the kicker, NOTHING you say or write can change how I/we feel regarding this.  Just like I don't expext you to feel the same as I/we.  Got it?


Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #45 on: June 13, 2004, 04:43:03 PM »
SJ McCarthy,

I'm not trying to change what you say, I'm only trying to qualify it.  Get it ?

Whose opinions on the bunkers at # 18 at Muirfield would be more credible, those of a golfer who's played the golf course for three straight days, or those from a golfer who has never been to the golf course and only seen 5 second aerial shots from a blimp at 3,000 feet ?  

You did compare the bunker sand on the 18th hole fairway complext to the white fluffy sand at Augusta.

Yet, when I asked you if you had played Augusta, you remained silent on the issue, which would seem to indicate that you haven't played Augusta.  But, rather then speculate, I'll ask you once again, when did you play Augusta ?

With respect to Muirfield's bunkers, why would you expect their shape and depth to be consistent ?  Are you advocating a cookie cutter approach to bunker design ?,
a pre-set formula for bunkers.

I also indicated that new bunker sand, from the exact same pit or quarry, will play, feel and look differently then the same sand that has been in a bunker for a while.  So, is it the newness of the sand, or is it, in your opinion, different sand on # 18 at Muirfield ?



Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #46 on: June 14, 2004, 08:34:47 AM »
SJ McCarthy,

I'm not trying to change what you say, I'm only trying to qualify it.  Get it ?

Trying to qualify what someone is saying byasking the simple question "is this poster qualified to comment on what he is commenting on?" Is the only thing one needs to do to ascertain one's qualifications.

Here are the only things you need to ascertain to answer if I am qualified on THIS topic.

1. Does the person in question have a more intimate knowledge than me?
2. Does he think the new bunkers are "ugly"?

THOSE and only those questions are germain to THIS thread.  Anything else you ask is pere antagonisim.

Whose opinions on the bunkers at # 18 at Muirfield would be more credible, those of a golfer who's played the golf course for three straight days, or those from a golfer who has never been to the golf course and only seen 5 second aerial shots from a blimp at 3,000 feet ?  

It can actually be either.  The thread is titled "how ugly", not "how well built", not what kind of sand"  not "what pit of sand did the sand come from"  not "whats their depth" nor any other such thing.  Therefore, my opinion on their beauty or lack thereof in this case is right on the money, regardless of what you say.

You did compare the bunker sand on the 18th hole fairway complext to the white fluffy sand at Augusta.

I used it as a reference, in regards to two VERY different types of bunkers.

Yet, when I asked you if you had played Augusta, you remained silent on the issue, which would seem to indicate that you haven't played Augusta.  But, rather then speculate, I'll ask you once again, when did you play Augusta ?

I will answer you YET AGAIN, when did I say I played Augusta?

With respect to Muirfield's bunkers, why would you expect their shape and depth to be consistent ?  Are you advocating a cookie cutter approach to bunker design ?,
a pre-set formula for bunkers.

Of course not.  However, when an overwhelming majority of bunkers on a course are of an average depth that does not vary more than a foot or two, then bam, you come along and see all of these "added" bunkers that are twice as deep as anything else, one has to ask, why not keep with the original concept of all other bunkers on the course?

I also indicated that new bunker sand, from the exact same pit or quarry, will play, feel and look differently then the same sand that has been in a bunker for a while.  So, is it the newness of the sand, or is it, in your opinion, different sand on # 18 at Muirfield ?

It's diff sand in ALL of the "new" bunkers.  Diff texture, look and feel, enough already Pat, I, like the rest of us here are tired of this thread and your antics.



Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #47 on: June 14, 2004, 12:07:29 PM »
SJ McCarthy,

Here are the only things you need to ascertain to answer if I am qualified on THIS topic.

1. Does the person in question have a more intimate knowledge than me?

What intimate knowledge is acquired in 5 second views from a blimp at 3,000 feet ?

2. Does he think the new bunkers are "ugly"?

That single criteriron is too subjective to provide an intelligent analysis

THOSE and only those questions are germain to THIS thread.  Anything else you ask is pere antagonisim.

Absolutely not, since when is the discovery process antagonism ?

Although, if you've never played Augusta and posture as if you have by saying that the sand in their bunkers is "fluffy", I can understand how you'd view being exposed as a phoney, as antagonism.

Whose opinions on the bunkers at # 18 at Muirfield would be more credible, those of a golfer who's played the golf course for three straight days, or those from a golfer who has never been to the golf course and only seen 5 second aerial shots from a blimp at 3,000 feet ?  

It can actually be either.

No it can't.  Unless intellectual honesty isn't your forte[/color]

The thread is titled "how ugly", not "how well built", not what kind of sand"  not "what pit of sand did the sand come from"  not "whats their depth" nor any other such thing.  Therefore, my opinion on their beauty or lack thereof in this case is right on the money, regardless of what you say.

It's not about the title of a thread, it's about the substance of the thread.  Go back and reread it.  The thread dealt with playability on the ground, but perspectives of the bunker complex on # 18 were offered on the basis of 5 second aerial views of the bunkers from 3,000 feet.  Hardly a prudent basis for judgiing their playability and appearance to the golfer's eye.

You did compare the bunker sand on the 18th hole fairway complext to the white fluffy sand at Augusta.

I used it as a reference, in regards to two VERY different types of bunkers.

But, you've never played the bunkers at Augusta

Yet, when I asked you if you had played Augusta, you remained silent on the issue, which would seem to indicate that you haven't played Augusta.  But, rather then speculate, I'll ask you once again, when did you play Augusta ?

I will answer you YET AGAIN, when did I say I played Augusta?

You stated that the bunker sand at Augusta was "Fluffy".  How could you make that judgement if you've never played them ?  You can't unless you render an opinion TOTALLY ABSENT THE FACTS.  Which is what you did.
You deliberately misrepresented the quality and playing characteristics of the bunker sand at Augusta, in an attempt to make a faulty comparison with the bunker sand at # 18 at Muirfield, hoping that would garner support for your position.[/b

With respect to Muirfield's bunkers, why would you expect their shape and depth to be consistent ?  Are you advocating a cookie cutter approach to bunker design ?,
a pre-set formula for bunkers.

Of course not.  However, when an overwhelming majority of bunkers on a course are of an average depth that does not vary more than a foot or two, then bam, you come along and see all of these "added" bunkers that are twice as deep as anything else, one has to ask, why not keep with the original concept of all other bunkers on the course?

You just don't get it.
Since when is there a pre-prescribed formula or pattern for bunker depth ?

Have you ever played Pine Valley ?
If yes, did you notice, on the 10th hole, the BAM effect you take exception to, it's there.

Have you ever played NGLA ?
If yes, did you notice, on the 7th hole, the BAM effect you take exception, it's there.

It's also important to understand that elvated nature of the footpad that the bunkers ara cut into, and drainage issues.

I also indicated that new bunker sand, from the exact same pit or quarry, will play, feel and look differently then the same sand that has been in a bunker for a while.  So, is it the newness of the sand, or is it, in your opinion, different sand on # 18 at Muirfield ?

It's diff sand in ALL of the "new" bunkers.  Diff texture, look and feel, enough already Pat, I, like the rest of us here are tired of this thread and your antics.

Now you're telling us that you speak, and express the opinions of everyone else on this site ?  When were you appointed as spokesman ?  And by whom ?
Did you take a poll to ascertain if everyone else was tired of the thread and my antics ???

I understand your reluctance to answer relavent questions.
Just say that you don't know the answers.

Did it ever occur to you, that new, unweathered sand has a different look, color and playing characteristics then the exact same sand that has been exposed to time and the elements ?  And, that in a year or two, the sands will look similar, if not identical ???

Don't express and try to camoflage your lack of understanding by labeling questions that I ask you as distasteful.
After all, you listed the three reasons that you found the bunkers ugly, yet upon further scrutiny some of those reasons are inaccurate and invalid

You also attributed statement to me that I never made.
On some of them you acknowledged your mistakes, on others where I asked you to cite my statements, you failed to do so.
As you also failed to answer other relevant questions, yet, I answered all of your questions.

Since you threw down that gauntlet, I merely picked it up.


Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #48 on: June 14, 2004, 03:49:42 PM »

Obviously you can't read.  I NEVER said I played Augusta, nor did I imply I played there, so go screw on your "being outed as a phony" comment, you are way off base, as usual!

1. Regarding "intimate views".  I am the one who played there 3 days in a row.  I am not the one who made the quote based on a blimp shot.  Quite frankly, I still stick to my guns in saying if HE thought it was ugly from a blimp shot, thats HIS choice, not yours.

2. The "discovery process" as you quote has zero to do with a persons feelings, he hates the look, no amount of discovery makes him wrong, jesus, get with it Pat. And since when does a "discussion" have to have a "discovery process?"  This is a freaking discussion board about golf architecture, NOT a court of law.  Maybe you need to get back into the law game so you can have all the "discovery processes" your little heart desires and likewise, spend less time on this site, therefore saving us all your mindless BS.

4. I can make the statement that the sand at Augusta is "fluffy"  It's my opinion you fool!  No, I have never played there, however I have been there many times, and my opinion is that sand is fluffy and thats all that counts.  

5. How dare you say that I "deliberatley misrepresented"the sand at Augusta vs. MVGC.  Again fool, those are my opinions or views.  I am still entitled to having and expressing my opinion right?  Or did we just re-draft the constitution and I wasn't aware of it?

6.  Pat, I "get it" apparently though, my views aren't in alignment with yours therefore I am wrong?  Grow the hell up.

7. I never said there was a "prescribed formula" for anything on a golf course, let alone bunkers specifically.  I merely stated that the NEW bunkers are not in keeping with the OLD bunkers therefore I FEEL as if they are not original, nor do I think they are in keeping with the rest of the course.  It's akin to having sharp edged bunkers with white sand ALL over a golf course, yet BAM, all of a sudden there is one stacked sod bunker.  Looks out of place to me, again, pardon me for having an opinion.

8. Pat, regarding being a spokesmanb, no one apponted me, however, based on getting numerous email (private) from other members of this site in support of my position, as well as stating they are tired of your games also, I think it's safe to say I am noit the only one who feels that way?  No, don't even ask for names nor copies of the emails.  They are all private documents.

9.  I have no lack of understanding that would make me feel as if I am "wrong" on the 3 items I presented as reasons for them being ugly.  You say my reasons were proven wrong.  When? Where and by Whom?

Pat, you are the king of the world.  You are the best, you are never wrong on anything.  Your views are what the rest of ours should be.  We love you Pat!

Has that last paragraph made you happy?  I hope so, because if thats all it takes to make you go away on this tired issue, I would be happy to have it carved in granite for you, just ask and it's done.

SJ McCarthy,

Here are the only things you need to ascertain to answer if I am qualified on THIS topic.

1. Does the person in question have a more intimate knowledge than me?

What intimate knowledge is acquired in 5 second views from a blimp at 3,000 feet ?

2. Does he think the new bunkers are "ugly"?

That single criteriron is too subjective to provide an intelligent analysis

THOSE and only those questions are germain to THIS thread.  Anything else you ask is pere antagonisim.

Absolutely not, since when is the discovery process antagonism ?

Although, if you've never played Augusta and posture as if you have by saying that the sand in their bunkers is "fluffy", I can understand how you'd view being exposed as a phoney, as antagonism.

Whose opinions on the bunkers at # 18 at Muirfield would be more credible, those of a golfer who's played the golf course for three straight days, or those from a golfer who has never been to the golf course and only seen 5 second aerial shots from a blimp at 3,000 feet ?  

It can actually be either.

No it can't.  Unless intellectual honesty isn't your forte[/color]

The thread is titled "how ugly", not "how well built", not what kind of sand"  not "what pit of sand did the sand come from"  not "whats their depth" nor any other such thing.  Therefore, my opinion on their beauty or lack thereof in this case is right on the money, regardless of what you say.

It's not about the title of a thread, it's about the substance of the thread.  Go back and reread it.  The thread dealt with playability on the ground, but perspectives of the bunker complex on # 18 were offered on the basis of 5 second aerial views of the bunkers from 3,000 feet.  Hardly a prudent basis for judgiing their playability and appearance to the golfer's eye.

You did compare the bunker sand on the 18th hole fairway complext to the white fluffy sand at Augusta.

I used it as a reference, in regards to two VERY different types of bunkers.

But, you've never played the bunkers at Augusta

Yet, when I asked you if you had played Augusta, you remained silent on the issue, which would seem to indicate that you haven't played Augusta.  But, rather then speculate, I'll ask you once again, when did you play Augusta ?

I will answer you YET AGAIN, when did I say I played Augusta?

You stated that the bunker sand at Augusta was "Fluffy".  How could you make that judgement if you've never played them ?  You can't unless you render an opinion TOTALLY ABSENT THE FACTS.  Which is what you did.
You deliberately misrepresented the quality and playing characteristics of the bunker sand at Augusta, in an attempt to make a faulty comparison with the bunker sand at # 18 at Muirfield, hoping that would garner support for your position.[/b

With respect to Muirfield's bunkers, why would you expect their shape and depth to be consistent ?  Are you advocating a cookie cutter approach to bunker design ?,
a pre-set formula for bunkers.

Of course not.  However, when an overwhelming majority of bunkers on a course are of an average depth that does not vary more than a foot or two, then bam, you come along and see all of these "added" bunkers that are twice as deep as anything else, one has to ask, why not keep with the original concept of all other bunkers on the course?

You just don't get it.
Since when is there a pre-prescribed formula or pattern for bunker depth ?

Have you ever played Pine Valley ?
If yes, did you notice, on the 10th hole, the BAM effect you take exception to, it's there.

Have you ever played NGLA ?
If yes, did you notice, on the 7th hole, the BAM effect you take exception, it's there.

It's also important to understand that elvated nature of the footpad that the bunkers ara cut into, and drainage issues.

I also indicated that new bunker sand, from the exact same pit or quarry, will play, feel and look differently then the same sand that has been in a bunker for a while.  So, is it the newness of the sand, or is it, in your opinion, different sand on # 18 at Muirfield ?

It's diff sand in ALL of the "new" bunkers.  Diff texture, look and feel, enough already Pat, I, like the rest of us here are tired of this thread and your antics.

Now you're telling us that you speak, and express the opinions of everyone else on this site ?  When were you appointed as spokesman ?  And by whom ?
Did you take a poll to ascertain if everyone else was tired of the thread and my antics ???

I understand your reluctance to answer relavent questions.
Just say that you don't know the answers.

Did it ever occur to you, that new, unweathered sand has a different look, color and playing characteristics then the exact same sand that has been exposed to time and the elements ?  And, that in a year or two, the sands will look similar, if not identical ???

Don't express and try to camoflage your lack of understanding by labeling questions that I ask you as distasteful.
After all, you listed the three reasons that you found the bunkers ugly, yet upon further scrutiny some of those reasons are inaccurate and invalid

You also attributed statement to me that I never made.
On some of them you acknowledged your mistakes, on others where I asked you to cite my statements, you failed to do so.
As you also failed to answer other relevant questions, yet, I answered all of your questions.

Since you threw down that gauntlet, I merely picked it up.


Re:How ugly is the bunker complex at Muirfield Village's 18th hole ?
« Reply #49 on: June 14, 2004, 09:49:30 PM »
I NEVER said I played Augusta, nor did I imply I played there, so go screw on your "being outed as a phony" comment, you are way off base, as usual!

Yes you did.  You said that the sand in the bunkers at ANGC was "fluffy".  How would you be qualified to make that statement unless you had played out of them ?
You offered, as FACT, that the bunker sand at ANGC was "fluffy", which happens to be a completely erroneous assessment.

1. Regarding "intimate views".  I am the one who played there 3 days in a row.  I am not the one who made the quote based on a blimp shot.  Quite frankly, I still stick to my guns in saying if HE thought it was ugly from a blimp shot, thats HIS choice, not yours.

That wasn't the question.  I indicated that had the post asked the question in the context of an aerial perspective, that I'd accept the "aerial" opinions, but it didn't.

2. The "discovery process" as you quote has zero to do with a persons feelings, he hates the look, no amount of discovery makes him wrong, jesus, get with it Pat. And since when does a "discussion" have to have a "discovery process?"  This is a freaking discussion board about golf architecture, NOT a court of law.  Maybe you need to get back into the law game so you can have all the "discovery processes" your little heart desires and likewise, spend less time on this site, therefore saving us all your mindless BS.

The  discovery process allows you to place the opinion in context, to see if it's FACT based or speculative, and to assess it's credibility.

4. I can make the statement that the sand at Augusta is "fluffy"  It's my opinion you fool!  No, I have never played there, however I have been there many times, and my opinion is that sand is fluffy and thats all that counts.

Then your opinion is foolish.
If you've never played from the bunkers at ANGC how can you claim that they are "fluffy" ?  You opinion isn't FACT based. They are anything but "fluffy"
If you want to make a fool of yourself, and make a proclamation with respect to bunkers that you've never played out of, go ahead, but that's intellectually dishonest, and you know it.  You can defend your erroneous, non-fact based opinion all you want, but, in the final analysis, your opinion is dead wrong.
5. How dare you say that I "deliberatley misrepresented"the sand at Augusta vs. MVGC.  Again fool, those are my opinions or views.  I am still entitled to having and expressing my opinion right?  Or did we just re-draft the constitution and I wasn't aware of it?

You did deliberately misrepresent the quality and consistency of the bunkers at ANGC.  You proclaimed, as fact, that they were "fluffy" when you never actually played out of them.
You're free, under the constitution to misrepresent anything you want, and I'm equally free to point out that the facts don't support your position, that your opinion is invalid in light of the facts about those bunkers

6.  Pat, I "get it" apparently though, my views aren't in alignment with yours therefore I am wrong?  Grow the hell up.

It's not that your views don't agree with mine, it's that you support speculative, non-fact based opinions as having the same weight and credibility as fact based opinions.

7. I never said there was a "prescribed formula" for anything on a golf course, let alone bunkers specifically.  I merely stated that the NEW bunkers are not in keeping with the OLD bunkers therefore I FEEL as if they are not original, nor do I think they are in keeping with the rest of the course.  It's akin to having sharp edged bunkers with white sand ALL over a golf course, yet BAM, all of a sudden there is one stacked sod bunker.  Looks out of place to me, again, pardon me for having an opinion.

Your example is one of extremes.
Where on # 18 do you find sod stacked bunkers ?
You objected to their depth but never addressed the questions I asked regarding their depth and the depth of other bunkers on the golf course

8. Pat, regarding being a spokesmanb, no one apponted me, however, based on getting numerous email (private) from other members of this site in support of my position, as well as stating they are tired of your games also, I think it's safe to say I am noit the only one who feels that way?  No, don't even ask for names nor copies of the emails.  They are all private documents.

Are you foolish enough to think that I don't get emails and IM's supporting my position, and your foolishness or lack of understanding about the architectural features and their spacial relationships to one another, together with your equating fact based opinions with speculative, non-fact based opinions ?

9.  I have no lack of understanding that would make me feel as if I am "wrong" on the 3 items I presented as reasons for them being ugly.  You say my reasons were proven wrong.  When? Where and by Whom?

When you fail to answer question after question regarding the basis of you opinion, it calls into question the viability of its foundation.

If the superintendent at Muirfield were to declare that the bunker sand at # 18 is identical to the bunker sand found elsewhere on the golf course, what does that say about your opinion ?

Pat, you are the king of the world.  You are the best, you are never wrong on anything.  Your views are what the rest of ours should be.  We love you Pat!

Has that last paragraph made you happy?  I hope so, because if thats all it takes to make you go away on this tired issue, I would be happy to have it carved in granite for you, just ask and it's done.


It's not about being right or wrong, or being happy.
It's about being able to distinguish and weight fact based opinions from non-fact based speculative opinions.  
It's about learning as much as you can about the feature in question before rendering a final opinion.  It's about credibility and intellectual honesty.

SJ McCarthy,


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