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"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« on: June 11, 2004, 03:42:44 PM »
One thing I was dissappointed with when attending the last gathering at Rustic Canyon is that I didn't leave enough time to trot on up the hill from Lynn's Sinaloa Links and the Posada Royale motel to visit the Reagan Library.  

Since I (and I'm sure many of the GolfClubAtlas readers), certainly have intentions to return to Rustic on subsequent trips to enjoy that golf course, I was thinking that it might be fun if we have a mini-gathering and name an event the "Dutch" Open in honor of The President, and add a pleasant and educational activity to make a side trip to the Reagan Library which just happens to be right there.

Any of you guys think that would be enjoyable? ;D 8)

No actual golf rounds were ruined or delayed, nor golf rules broken, in the taking of any photographs that may be displayed by the above forum user.


  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2004, 03:46:42 PM »
Maybe add a round at LACC to add to the nostalgia.   :D


Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2004, 03:48:10 PM »
Ya know he rarely golfed and he never went to church, regularly during, his tenure as prez. Yet, he sure seemed to exemplify the decent attributes which would be the envy, of most golfers to understand.

Great Idea Dick!

lacc ? no skirts?
« Last Edit: June 11, 2004, 03:55:53 PM by Adam Clayman »


Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2004, 03:50:50 PM »
If that is the case, then explain that to the guy who tried to confront him at Augusta National who is still in jail.

Rick Shefchik

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2004, 04:13:30 PM »
Tommy --

Here's what I could find about the incident you referenced. From a book review of "First Off the Tee," an account of Presidential golf, by New York Times reporter Don Van Natta, Jr.: "During Reagan’s presidency, when he was playing at Augusta National, a terrorist took over the pro shop. As the Secret Service whisked Reagan away from the course, Reagan quipped that he preferred “to play through.”

From a website on presidential assassination attempts:

"An armed man raided a country club and seized five hostages, including two of [Reagan's] aides.  Ronald Reagan's aide David Fischer and a White House advance man, Lanny Wiles, were held hostage at the Augusta National Golf Course on October 22, 1983.  Reagan and secretary of state George Schultz were playing golf on the course at the time.  The Secret Service ordered an emergency evacuation of the president by helicopter.  Later the hostages were release without harm."

This is from the MIT archives:

"Reagan unhurt after gunman takes hostages at a golf course - An armed man crashed a pickup
truck through the gates of the Augusta National Golf Course and took Reagan's personal aide and four
others hostage while Reagan was playing golf there Saturday afternoon. The gunman, identified as Charles
R. Harris of Augusta, brandished a pistol and demanded to speak to Reagan, but refused when given a
chance to talk to him by telephone. After two hours and 20 minutes, the gunman gave himself up after
freeing the hostages unharmed. Reagan was playing on the 16th fairway and was never in direct danger,
Secret Service officials said."

I don't know what golf or Reagan, specifically, has to do with this incident. If you or I tried this, we'd still be in jail, too.


"Golf is 20 percent mechanics and technique. The other 80 percent is philosophy, humor, tragedy, romance, melodrama, companionship, camaraderie, cussedness and conversation." - Grantland Rice


Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2004, 04:26:42 PM »
Rick, Exactly!

But the point was to tell Adam, that he indeed played golf during his presidency. In fact, I think he also played Sandpiper a time or two during his Western Whitehouse days where he basically spent a whole year at his ranch in San Ysidro instead of in Washington.  Not a lot of people know of his dislike for living in Washington.


  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2004, 04:36:18 PM »
How about the Valley Club?  Rancho Del Cielo must not be too far from there.  Somehow, I can just imagine seeing Reagan having a fine old time after a round on the historic course, and retiring to the fairytale setting of the VC club house to spin an Irish joke and yarn... maybe even with this other fine Irish gent I was privileged to meet there... ;)
No actual golf rounds were ruined or delayed, nor golf rules broken, in the taking of any photographs that may be displayed by the above forum user.


Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2004, 04:39:31 PM »
My bad Tom. I was caught up in the ceremonies and I just didn't remember him as a golfer. Unlike Bubba who I actually E-mailed and suggested that he bulid a presidential golf complex to go along with his library. I even had the location, the dunes at the old fort ord.

Rick Shefchik

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2004, 04:40:28 PM »
Tommy -- The Van Natta book I referred to says that Reagan was rated one of the worst golfing presidents because he was so lousy and played so seldom (check the body English of the photo Dick posted -- does that look like a guy who'd holed many 20-foot snakes in his time?)

But the book also says Reagan was a 12 when he was a young man and played more often.

There is no record of what he thought of The Bridge, the new bunkers at Merion, or the stymie.

"Golf is 20 percent mechanics and technique. The other 80 percent is philosophy, humor, tragedy, romance, melodrama, companionship, camaraderie, cussedness and conversation." - Grantland Rice


  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2004, 04:51:04 PM »
I think the first section of the bio on President Reagan under "physical activities" says a lot.  

Interesting, that last line of that section... I don't know quite what to make of that, or if it has any insight into my playing future... :-\
No actual golf rounds were ruined or delayed, nor golf rules broken, in the taking of any photographs that may be displayed by the above forum user.


Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2004, 04:59:59 PM »
I'm sure if Regan was coherant, and seen the new Merion bunkers, he would have confronted Tom Fazio and promptly fired him like he fired the air traffic controllers.  But this is all speculation, and we know how valuable that is!  ;)

Whether he was good or bad as a golfer is as much consequence if he thought I was good or bad as a golfer--just as long as there is a contribution to the Sport with regard to fast play and strategic intent. Surely he could have laid down some law or introduced into the constitution that a  modern course be allowed to be built that didn't have the true Spirit of the Game involved in its design and construction--I find this to be a great failure to his and other susequent administrations, with all due honest respects. :)


  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2004, 05:14:02 PM »
Tommy, your next assignment is to go to the Library and the tomb and see if it actually overlooks Tierra Rejada!!! :o ;D

If so, I fully expect you to call this oversight of selecting a tranquil and symbolic final resting place to the proper Presidential historians and curators! ;D   I''m sure "Dutch" would have a great laugh at seeing you piqued over that issue...  But, maybe this may be your big chance to convince someone in high places that TR is such an eyesore, that it should be returned to native hills and canyons condition so as not to spoil the view from the monument.

I have no doubt that Ronald Reagan would have loved Rustic Canyon: simple, indiviualistic, entreprenuerial yet open to the public development - of good value, typical California canyon terrain, with horseriding trails around there to boot.  That place just reeks "Reagan country". 8)
« Last Edit: June 11, 2004, 05:17:50 PM by RJ_Daley »
No actual golf rounds were ruined or delayed, nor golf rules broken, in the taking of any photographs that may be displayed by the above forum user.


  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2004, 05:25:28 PM »
Dick - If wanted to stay closer to home, could you just play at Dixon (IL) Country Club. I hear its not too bad. I think my dad has played it, I'll have to ask.  :D

Dan Kelly

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2004, 05:26:49 PM »
Dick --

Great idea. Call it the Dutch Masters. (Might even get Clinton to attend.)


Rick --

Reagan would HAVE to have favored the stymie, had he ever given it a thought. The stymie is rugged-individualist conservatism at its very finest!

"There's no money in doing less." -- Joe Hancock, 11/25/2010
"Rankings are silly and subjective..." -- Tom Doak, 3/12/2016

Mike Benham

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2004, 05:41:03 PM »

Reagan would HAVE to have favored the stymie ...

I believe he did use it, ask Mr. Gorbachev ...
"... and I liked the guy ..."


Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2004, 05:45:08 PM »
Dutch Masters, I love it!  With a womens flight, too! Pick-up that ball Hootie keeps dropping. Use a comp ball, or hire air traffic controllers?

Rick Shefchik

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2004, 05:53:33 PM »
I'm afraid Reagan would not have favored a competition ball, much as it pains me to say so. His anti-regulation, pro-free market leanings would not have allowed him to think that way. In fact, he might have stood outside the gates of Far Hills, N.J., and said, "Mr. Fay, tear down this COR."

But nobody's right about everything.

"Golf is 20 percent mechanics and technique. The other 80 percent is philosophy, humor, tragedy, romance, melodrama, companionship, camaraderie, cussedness and conversation." - Grantland Rice


Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2004, 01:00:15 AM »
Random factoid:

Reagan was born left handed, but switched to righty for most
sports.  He seems to be putting righty in the pic.

Didja know that Reagan, GHW Bush and Clinton were all lefties?  
I recall that Clinton played righty golf, but threw lefty... Does anybody remember Clinton playing lefty??

PS.  Would that be Ray Floyd with him, perhaps after winning the '86 Shinnecock US Open?
« Last Edit: June 12, 2004, 01:01:31 AM by John Krystynak »


  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2004, 01:07:18 AM »
I actually met President Reagan at a golf setting.  I was at LACC in the early 90's for a golf lesson at the driving range.  I was talking to Ernie Vandeweghe at the range.  I said isn't that President Reagan over there?  Vandeweghe says yeah, haven't you met the President before?  I said no, and he said let's go over and say hello.  Reagan hitting balls on the range with two secret service men in the shadows stops when we go up to him.  Dr. Vandeweghe says, President you remember Lynn Shackelford from those great UCLA BB teams don't you?
And Reagan gave me that great politicans' smile.  I was about 60% sure he didn't have a clue who I was, but the smile was convincing.  Anyway, what I remember most is that when he is driven away in a black limo by the Secret Service guys, he rolls down his window and bangs the dirt off his spikes which he had removed once he got in the car.  I had two thoughts....a member couldn't get away with that, and Nancy didn't want dirty golf shoes around the house.
It must be kept in mind that the elusive charm of the game suffers as soon as any successful method of standardization is allowed to creep in.  A golf course should never pretend to be, nor is intended to be, an infallible tribunal.
               Tom Simpson

Rick Shefchik

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2004, 02:30:38 AM »
Lynn -- I thought LACC didn't allow those low-life actors on the premises.

"Golf is 20 percent mechanics and technique. The other 80 percent is philosophy, humor, tragedy, romance, melodrama, companionship, camaraderie, cussedness and conversation." - Grantland Rice

David Kelly

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2004, 02:43:30 PM »
He had to become Governor and President first before he could become a member.
"Whatever in creation exists without my knowledge exists without my consent." - Judge Holden, Blood Meridian.


  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #21 on: June 14, 2004, 08:26:19 AM »
I would love to play Rustic again with all you guys. I respected and admired the late President. However, I got all I needed over the last 7 days. In fact I got all I needed the first 3 days.


Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #22 on: June 14, 2004, 10:05:50 PM »
Hang in there, Tiger.  I feel your pain........

The other side of the political spectrum will have to endure Pres. Clinton's "Monica Who?" biography over the next few weeks or so.  How about a "Rodney King 'Why Can't We All Just Get Together?' Open" celebrating both the Gipper and the Zipper?

Daryl "Turboe" Boe

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:"Dutch" Open at Rustic Canyon?
« Reply #23 on: June 14, 2004, 11:54:35 PM »
Is Rustic really close to the Reagan Library, because I definitely want to make a side trip to the Library when I have the family out there this summer.  Hmmmm.

How about a "Rodney King 'Why Can't We All Just Get Together?' Open" celebrating both the Gipper and the Zipper?
If Rodney wont lend his name to a tournament you could always do a "Reginald Denny Open" unfortunately you would probably have to hold it at Brickyard Crossing GC and Indiana isnt very close to So Cal.
Instagram: @thequestfor3000

"Time spent playing golf is not deducted from ones lifespan."

"We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."


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