Spyglass gets PLENTY of play - it's the #2 tourist course, behind Pebble. Don't count on a fast round. Oh, you might get lucky... but 7/17 being a Saturday, I doubt it.
As for Pasa, well... it's not THAT clear-cut as to its superiority! Oh, among the cognoscenti here, it's a no-brainer - but this group does tend to prefer older, more strategic, etc. Ask 100 golfers outside this group which course they prefer between Spyglass and Pasa, and I'd bet at least 75 say Spyglass, just due to the holes on the sand dunes.
On Spyglass v. Spanish Bay, I think TLavin nailed it. It's all based on what your preferences are. Spanish Bay is very pretty, more "linksy" overall, and is a better "walk in the park". Spyglass is tougher and a better design overall.
You won't be disappointed by either, that is unless you have to pay and money means something to you! Ed Getka is right on that account. But, we all have our thresholds.