Marc Haring:
This is a terrific thread---just the kind of "real life" maintenance and architectural subject we need much more of on here to keep contributors in the real world instead of idealizing aspects of this general subject.
Personally, I'd like to see bunker and hazard areas maintained more rugged and demanding of good and clever recovery shots. This would include sand areas that are not so immaculately prepared and maintained and "surrounds" that are the same.
However, I do recognize that today this very well be a battle that's been lost and perhaps never to be engaged again. It's unfortunate that the expectation amongst golfers generally has changed so much in this regard and in this area.
We say on this website that bunker areas are a place some price should be paid for getting into---that if it isn't these important (to golf architecture) areas lose their usefulness and meaning to be able to create meaningful strategies.
I like to separate discussions on bunkering into two distinct areas---the sand areas and the bunker surrounds.
Personally, I'd like to see more courses today that require golfers ONLY to maintain the playablitly of sand areas during their own play. Certainly this would not take the place of maintenance maintaining sand areas in a general sense but not as a daily prepared surface.
As to the surrounds, I think they should basically match the rest of the rough areas in look and play so as not to look and be completely out of place with them.
I'd like to see you let those bunker edges on your course get a little "grassier", at least, and let the grass grow some on the out-going side as you have in the second photo.
But I do recognize that can bring with it criticism from members and golfers and that's unfortunate. You're best policy is to just try to get those in the club responsible for the course (the green committee) to bring the memberhip around to accepting a less immaculate and highly maintained and prepared look and playbablity.
It's not easy, of course, but a number of clubs have managed to do it. If you want to know who they are and how they did it, this site is the place to come. We can put you in touch with them if it'll help.