I don't know if Raynor's lack of originality led to the preservation of his courses. Old money tends to be conservative, conservativism results in less change in most cases.
Old Elm (Colt) in Chicago, Rolling Rock (Ross), St. Louis (Macdonald), Myopia Hunt (Leeds), Kittansett (Hood & Flynn), CPC (MacKenzie), Somerset Hills (Tilly) and numerous clubs in England (St.Georges Hill, Swinley Forest, Walton Heath, Worlington, etc) are other non-Raynor examples...often they don't like to put much money into updating their clubhouses either.
On the other hand there are exceptions to the rule...Gulph Mills, Chevy Chase, CC of Detroit tinkered with their courses. My impression is LACC is the closest to an old money club in LA.
I believe Watson redesigned Annandale in 1917--adding grass greens. The work was carried out by Billy Bell who was the superitendant. In the early 20's golf architect Bell came back and redesigned the course again...adding four new holes (which replaced 4 holes that were across Colorado Blvd).