I like your creative thinking. However as far as the stimpmeter is concerned, I appreciate using it for it's intended purpose.
That is, a tool for evaluating and maintaining consistancy from surface to surface. I do not agree with publishing numbers. Golfers should measure their performance, superintendents should measure the effectiveness of their programs. In that light, the stimpmeter is a another tool in the arsenal.
Many times, when golfers, and even my boss, ask me what the speed of the greens are, I tell them medium, medium fast or fast. Usually they are satisfied, and go to the practice green to figure it out for themselves. I would never adjust my thinking or putting stroke because someone gave me a number (greenspeed) before the round. Instead, I would have to hit putts of varying lengths on the practice green, in this way I would gain real experience and feedback of the condition and all the other factors involved, ie: my touch for the day.
It goes back to the adage: Golf is a game of judgement and perception.