I knew a comment and endorsement like yours was coming, that hopefully Friars Head will be copied in the future. To what extent you mean copied I am uncertain, but I would hope that what is copied is the process by C&C and Doak and Hanse and others, but not the look. There may be sites where the look of a Friar's Head is appropriate, but it would be a tremendous waste of talent to have younger architects think they can make it if they copy the Friars Head look on their projects, or those architects that have built their whole design style around doing what attracts the raters. I guess I am naive but I never realized architects actually design in a way to attract raters. What a shallow existence!
I believe in each person contributing their creativity to the "conversation" I have no interst in conversing with anyone that is copying the look of the moment, because it would be a very short conversation. What makes this whole business interesting is the individual contribution each person makes to what could seem to be standard stuff. There is an excellent way to unleash one's talents and that is to enter into the design process in much the way the afore mentioned architects have done. The process they have embarked upon have resulted in some astounding work. I do not beleive great works or movements come from copying someone, that might help jump start your creative adventure but at some point if the person is to reach or extend beyond that method they are going to have to use a similar process but in their own way so the result may be some thing that does not look like Friarshead but none the less is ever bit as dramatic and subtle and strategic.
Too many people are lost in other people's ways. The real joy comes from those whom are following their own drummer, who have a deep feeling for the traditions of those that came before them, but nevertheless have embarked on their own journey, and what is left in their wake is a very personal statement of their own little vision of the world.