Last week, I played Cherry Blossom Country Club in Georgetown, Kentucky. The design was by Clyde Johnson and featured a short par four with a rather interesting look. The hole was straight and uphill with the tee shot being to one level of fairway that ran from about 165 yards to 110 yards from the green, followed by another section of fairway on a slightly higher level from about 90 yards to 60 yards shy of the pin and yet a final section of fairway on another distinct level leading to the green from about 45 yards out. The effect was almost like stairsteps and the twist was that the end of the second section was pinched by bunkers which give the optical illusion of fronting the green but really are more in play on the tee ball than anything else. The entrance to the green is in reality relatively open with a bunker on the left side which cannot be seen from the first two sections of fairway. At least for the first time you play the hole, the location of the bunkers is quite a surprise. I can recall a couple of holes with a similar terraced look, but usually these holes play downhill. I was wondering if anyone else has encountered similar holes and the impressions that they have of them.