Richard J Daley, 62 yrs old (Hizzoner da Mare)not!
currently living in Green Bay, WI
hometown, Madison, WI
retired and bored
former occupations: Police Officer, Madison WI
Union President Prof. P. Officers Union, Madison
Business Agent, Wisconsin Prof. P. Officers Assoc.
Home Course, Brown County Golf Course
Have tried my hand at Golf Course/Homesite Development, 1991-2
Past Affiliate member GCSAA - took many of their CE courses, forgot 90% of what I learned about turf.
Spiritual Home course (own a lot there) : Wild Horse, Gothenburg NE: That's me at Wild Horse

handicap index with WSGA, 13.3, no significant movement in years of playing. Age is creeping up on me with aches and pains hurting golf swing and power, and no longer have ability to play multiple rounds a day or consecutive days. That is why GCA golf outtings aren't as appealing.
I've been addicted to for a long time...

Have met some of the best folks I've encountered in my life through GCA.

I'm interested in a part-year move to a warmer climate, and still only interested in exciting employment if it is as perhaps a spy or political pundit.

Biggest golfing achievment, after embarrassing losses, I wrestled McBride to a tie in a return match, I think.