Jeff Goldman
Age: 42
Occupation: Lawyer
Single, for a while yet
Handicap: 15.3, mostly because I've never broken 100 playing with anyone from GCA (made 9 on 18 at Beverly to keep up the streak)
Met some great folks, and looking forward to more
Member: Olympia Fields Country Club
Wow, times have changed since that was done in 2006. As of July 2010:
Wow, that was 6 years ago. Updating to July, 2010:
Age: 49
Occupation: Lawyer still.
Married in December, 2009, moved to River Forest from Chicago February, 2010, and increased my commute to my club by 12 minutes.

Also, in the pool, those who had 6 months as the maximum length of the marriage are out of luck.
Hope to continue to meet great folks, and cut down on the cancellations. Issues have prevented me from attending many GCA events the last few years, but I hope to stop that soon.
At Olympia Fields, I was named to the Board of Governors in May, 2006, was Head of Finance and Vice-chairman of Grounds for 4 years, and then named President of the club in May, 2010. All of that is due to GCA. I met Shelly Solow and Terry Lavin through this site, Shelly encouraged me to talk to Terry, who sponsored me at the club, and the rest is history. My golf still sucks (I may set the record for the person with the highest handicap every to be Prez of such a Club.
I have issued, and reiterate, an open invitation to all on GCA to visit OFCC. Some of my best days at the club have been hosting you guys, from playing 36 with John Lovito (with Shivas and Paul Richards joining in the afternoon round), picking up Dan Taylor on Michigan Avenue in a downpour, with him looking like Robert Redford holding on 3rd base in the Natural, and wondering if he was going to be grabbed by a rubber truck given the stares he was getting, to mistaking John Cullum for somebody else until we reached the halfway house and exclaiming, with great relief "you're John Cullum, not ____!), to a terrific 36 hole day with Ed Getka and his brother, followed by my having to blow him off, twice, on trips to Michigan due to hospital issues (mine, and I hope he forgives me), to warning Lou Duran not to go right on 6 south and hearing him say "like that?" as his ball disappeared into The Kitchen right of the green, and on and on and on.
Looking forward to more.