Thanks to the generosity of those individuals presently listed in the Contributions section as well as those from years gone past, this web site runs commercial free. As such, we have no pressure to maximize the number of page views etc. The only 'pressure' is to make as meaningful a web site as possible.
To that end, and based on the personal attacks and anonymous posts where a sincere poster gets flamed by not saying the politically correct thing, changes are going to be made to the Discussion Group within the next 30 days. No one wants to see this DG erode and inadvertently be allowed to drift toward a lower common denominator as good posters lose interest in wading through the muck.
As a start, no one will be able to register after the end of this week, and this will remain so for the next 30-45 days. The number of people who can post will be capped at 1,000 (presently there are over 2,500 'members' or people who can post). If you aren't comfortable posting under your own name and are registered as Odd Job or Three Putt or Big Bertha or whatever, you can change that name to your name before the end of the March. Otherwise, starting next month, I will be deleting those who have registered under something other than your own name. (And if your real name happens to be Three Putt, well, life has been cruel and not being able to post on is the least of your worries

). Next, 80-90% of the registered people who have never made a post will be deleted, to make room for people who do want to share their thoughts re: golf course architecture. Also, people have used this site to network their way onto courses and once there, have made fools of themselves (not reimbursing the host, throwing golf clubs, etc.) - they're gone, as are posters more obsessed with proving how witty they are rather than focusing on the subject at hand: golf course architecture.
On the surface, these changes may seem a lot but in reality, they aren't - this DG is rarity on the internet of civil discourse 90% plus of the time. The laissez-faire approach of the first five years in managing the DG has worked great and it only needs a tune up.
Everyone will always be able to follow the DG; not everyone will be able to post. The crucial attributes of the ultimate 1,000 posters will be that a) they are interested in articulating their thoughts on golf course architecture and perhaps contribute an In My Opinion or My Home Course entry from time to time, b) as a set, they have a WIDE variety of opinions, c) they are civil and d) they are geographically diverse (perhaps ~600 members or posters in the U.S. and ~400 international members would be wonderful as being a U.S.-centric site was never a goal). The number of people who can post may expand past 1,000 over time once we have a solid core but that day is a long ways off. In the meanwhile, the random cheap shots and gutless posts under alias names will be diminished by Masters weekend.
The sole purpose of the web site is to be a meaningful place for people to gather and discuss/learn about golf course architecture (with a most gratifying result being the number of friendships formed through this site). In no way are these measures meant to hamper or lessen the discourse on golf architecture. In fact, these actions are meant to ENCOURAGE a freer form of discussion, thanks to an absence of throwaway cheap shots and insults. I am aware of numerous posters/lurkers who will rejoin/join the fray once these changes are in place.
Though there may be a few slight negatives in having people post under their own name, the positives far outweigh the negatives at this point. By taking this step, hopefully this web site will continue on its way to realizing its maximum potential.