Dunlop White,
Preakness Hills has some of the best debris mounds you'll ever come across, very diverse structures, strewn throughout the golf course.
If I get the opportunity, and if the weather co-operates, I'll try to photo the old ones, as the recent ones are hideous monstrosities. I think you'd enjoy seeing them.
TEPaul & Mike Cirba,
As soon as the weather turns, come visit, you'll like what you see.
Hollywood also has some gorgeous, unnatural mounds, although some poster, who had never seen Hollywood until recently, thought Rees Jones put them there, when in fact they preceeded his arrival by decades and are probably Travis's work.
Craig Disher,
If you could post the old aerial of Preakness Hills it would be helpful in understanding the use of mounds, although some of them aren't as visible as others.