"I see. Now your theory includes Crump clearing and building the first seven holes and then changing his mind just before Colt arrived. Good one."
Tom MacWood, honest to God, what in the world is the matter with you? It seems to take you forever to figure any of this out. Others sure do understand it.
First of all, and once again, you've apparently failed to read correctly what I've said many times on here about that potential 7th hole that Tillinghast described. Philip Young has explained to you as well regarding what Tillinghast said about that potential 7th hole iteration and how you were wrong to characterize it as constructed and ready for seeding.
Here's what Tillinghast said about that potential 7th hole iteration that was less developed than the previous holes but apparently you can't seem to figure that out or what he meant. Here's what Tillinghast said in April 1913 Golf Illustrated about it:
"The next hole (7th) is less developed than any of these I mentioned, but enough has been cleared to show something of its requirements. A long well placed drive must carry an enormous dip through which flows a stream of clear water. The second is a high shot with a mashie if the drive has been well hit, but if it has not the longer shot with the mid-iron will prove exceedingly bohersome."
Now, Tom MacWood, I've already told you a number of times that if one goes directly behind the present 6th green and looks straight away east, one will see that enormous dip through which clear water flows and that landform Tillinghast described as 'the less developed 7th hole'. Crump did some clearing in that area to look at that potential hole and then decided not to use that landform and area but to turn around and go in the opposite direction with what is now the 7th hole.
The par 5 sixth hole that Tillinghast described in April 13 came from a tee next to Crump's short par 3 5th with it's green off to the left in the hillside next to the intersection of the road to the clubhouse with a tee shot up to the ridge where Owen's house was eventually built and where the 5th green is now and from there two shots to the green that is now the 6th green of the present par 4 6th hole.
Are you beginning to get a glimmer of any of this yet? This is why never seeing a golf course becomes problematic---eg you just don't seem to understand much about the place.
"By the way the 9th on the stick (current 7th) does not play over a deep depression and stream."
Of course it doesn't, and I've told you that about five times. It plays in just about the exact opposite direction!!

"The fact that you are unable to identify a long unreachable par-5 6th (and we know Crump appreciated very long par-5s) followed by a par-4 7th over a deep depression/stream is the reason why your theory has unraveled."
My theory is not unraveling at all and I identified that long par 5 6th that Tillinghast described years ago, and I just described above, AGAIN. I just can't help it if you can't understand any of this but the fact that you can't in no way means my theory is unraveling, it only means you don't know much about Pine Valley, its land and what happened there.
"The pieces of your puzzle do not fit."
They certainly do fit, it's just that you don't know Pine Valley well enough to understand what Tillinghast described and I am accurately reiterating.