Tom Mac,
I have never seen the multi-colored topo that either of you are refering to and have no idea when it was made and by whom, yet there is a bit of arguing going on about very exact dates of things written and work accomplished and that I can speculate on. I believe your assumptions in what you wrote are mistaken in several ways.
Though I am uncertain how they would effect either your or Tom Paul's arguments, I believe they might.
You wrote, "* The 6th and 7th holes as described by Tilly in the April issue of American Golfer do not appear on the map. Not only did Tilly describe the first seven holes, he said they were cleared, under construction and nearly ready for seeding."
This appears to imply that these 7 holes were to the point where they were finished with the exception of putting down seed, and that isn't correct; and not correct by a long shot.
Tilly actually wrote, "Already seven of the holes are opened up [to what extent?] and rapidly cleared fairways being prepared for seeding [ I read "being prepared" to mean they were neither finished nor prepared and had much work to be done BEFORE being ready for seeding]. Several of the greens are ready for PREPERATION [so NONE of the greens were yet READY for seeding, in fact a number of greens weren't even PREPARED yet]."
In the following paragraph, he begins by stating that, "Thus far the holes which are being prepared..." Again, he used the phrase ARE BEING prepared" signifying that they are not completed to the extent that I believe you were implying.
Tilly goes on to write, quite specifically, two paragraphs later how, "The next hole [7th] is LESS DEVELOPED than any of these I have mentioned, but Enough HAS BEEN CLEARED to show SOMETHING of its requirements..."
Clearly his use of the word "SOMETHING" in describing #7 shows that a rudimentary hole form at best was the only thing recognizable on the ground.
In Tilly's reporting then, the first seven holes are a lot less far along than you would have us believe.
Secondly, you wrote, "* Timing. The topo map on which the stick drawing was sketched was made in March 1913. Tilly most likely wrote his description found in the April issue in March which means construction on those holes began prior to that time, so the stick drawing could not be an early iteration (because the topo wasn't made until March). Its unlikely Crump would be re-routing the first seven holes while at the same time constructing them."
Why do you believe that Tilly wrote his article in March? As it was for the edition that would have been SENT OUT to readers at the beginning of April, and possibly even during the last few days of March, Tilly more likely wrote it in February and probably by no later than the middle of the month.
As far as whether or not it would be "unlikely" that Crump would be "re-routing the first seven holes while at the same time constructing them," that is purely speculative on your part. You have several times taken Tom to task for not being explicit in details in which he has written about the map and Colt, including in the very post where the above was written.
After quoting Tom as stating that Colt visited PV in June, you write as a correction that "Colt arived in May." There is but a difference of a few days only in real time, yet in finding the answer to the question the two of you are discussing, those few days are quite critical and exactitude is important in both of your arguments. This requires yours to display the same level of correctness that you are demanding of TP.
I have no idea at this point how the above will impact on either of your arguments, but I feel that there are some liberties being taken with fact interpretation, probably on both sides, that obscure the clarity of the discussion.