Perhaps I didn't explain my point clearly enough, or perhaps you misinterpreted and misunderstood it. Or perhaps, your angst re Fazio is so intense that you became misdirected a nano-second after reading my post.
Merion isn't about Fazio, it's about the people who give him direction, and/or discretion.
Pine Valley proves that he can create the same look as your beloved Coore & Crenshaw.
The short course is proof positive.
Now, he may not be a fan of that look, and he may not want to create that look given the discretion to design to his tastes and preferences.
Let me ask you a question regarding Fazio and his work on a project.
Suppose I owned 400 + acres of mostly flat, moderately rolling land here in New Jersey and that the optimum conditions existed for me to build any type of course I wanted, and that permiting was no problem. And, that I wanted to build a Garden City look alike, and that I hired Fazio at a fee of, let's say $1,500,000.
Do you think that course would look like a Fazio course, or do you think it would look just like Garden City ? Do you think that anyone after having played or seen it, would have the slightest idea that Fazio was involved ? If you need help with either question, Ran and Gib and some others can provide the answer.
Like most successful projects and businesses a great leader with vision, knowledge and management skills is the prime ingredient. Every time I see a monument, it's some guy on a horse leading the charge, not some committee contemplating their lunch order.
How has the course at Notre Dame been received ? I don't hear much about it, and as an alumni who lived next to and played the old course at Notre Dame I would hope it turned out as a fabulous golf course, but I don't know why it doesn't get much publicity, or why it isn't ranked in the top 100. Perhaps you could explain that to me.
With regard to Pacific Dunes, I have heard wonderful things about it, and hope to get there, but that piece of property is certainly world class and an excellent site to build a golf course. Didn't someone else build a pretty good course nearby, on the same type of property ?
At Merion, what no one seems to know, in deteail, officially, is, what was their specific goal?
What direction was Fazio given ?
Who supervised design and construction of the project from start to finish.
Mike Cirba brings up an interesting point, and that is the time frame for the job ?
The details of that issue may create additional questions.
How did the membership feel about this project ? How was it communicated to them, how was the progress reported to them, and how has the finished product been received by them ?
Here are the Facts.
Fazio did a GREAT job duplicating Pine Valley
Ernie Ransome co-designed the project.
Ernie Ransome supervised the project.
Employees, or hired Contractors usually do the bidding of the People who pay them.
My point was, that with the proper Leadership and supervision