I travel quite a bit during the year and certainly keep my eye on a number of courses as a rating panelist for GD.
One of the biggest pet peeves I have with many clubs is their failure to have level tees at all of the playing areas.
As a friend of mine mentioned to me some time ago there are clubs that will spend upteen $$$ in having flower arrangements, water falls, skylights, etc, and all the rest of the gigor but when it comes time for the ultimate area of detail ... level tees, they miss the boat.
Does anyone not realize how important level tees are to the playing of a course? Is anyone paying attention???
This is not rocket science type stuff -- all it takes is a carpenter's rule and you can see how dramatically off things are at many clubs.
The culprits cross all sectors of the game and include not just the municipal but some of the biggest names in the game.
Architects who create pad tees for maximum playability would be shocked to see some of these existing pad tees with more slope than the pitching mound at Yankee Stadium!!!
When I play a course and see the tees are generally not level it's a 95 percent signal that other aspects of detail are missing.
A related problem to unlevel tees are tees that are barely cut but full of grass. They have the shag carpet look and you can tell because as you walk off them you see footprints behind you. Sometimes these extra padded tees require an extra long tee in order to get the base of the tee in solid ground.
If a golf course cannot present level tees from all hitting areas you cannot enjoy the course to the maximum. Please do not think I am advocating Augusta National type conditioned tees. Just give level tees, even if its dirt, so that the player has the opportunity in making a score representative of his / her ability and not handicapped at the outset by neglectful practices.
I'd be most interested int he comments of others. Thanks ...