Couldn't agree more. Especially after having just a blast yesterday at one of my local hidden gems.(For SoCal)
The site is in the Guadalupe Dunes, just south of SLO and north of Santa Maria. I found this site on Terraserver over three years ago, and kept it quiet, other then a few of us that really felt something special could be done there, if there was a possiblilty of the CCC allowing the use of it to be a totally natural golf course.
That effort was exhausted.
Links land in California? How does this make the most discerning of anti-California bashers feel?
Can you believe it? They allow ATV's to ride all over this place and terrorize it, but there is absolutely no chance that the CCC will ever let it be a golf course.
At one time however, they did allow Union Oil (Unocal) to use the dunes for massive oil drilling. To get the oil out of the ground, they injected steam and petrolium into the ground to loosen it up. this of course caused even more havoc to the environment. They are now cleaning it up, with the help of the federal government. (You and me)