This thread, both pages, reminds me of the old adage, and I'm paraphrasing here, that there are two things you can't comment on: a man's wife and his golf club.
I enjoy reading the threads about golf course viability, sustainability, economics, etc, but certainly can't contribute to those. I also enjoy reading about course comparisons between courses I haven't played, and likely never will, and I can't contribute to those either, beyond asking an occasional question or two.
But maybe I'm just weird like that. And maybe there were more weirdos like me in the early days.

Or maybe not. I do miss Tommy N, Tom MacWood, David Moriarty, Rich Goodale, redanman, JohnV, and a whole host of others, and I wish people like Ted Sturges, Gib, Noel, Dan King, etc., would post more, but to each his own.
It's not easy to discuss things on the interweb-thingy. You don't see the body language of BSing at the 19th in person, and people are generally more aggressive in saying things they wouldn't say in person. It's tough to take what seems like a punch to the face and stop and think about it, without reacting immediately. In that regard, this site is no different than what's happening in the rest of the world. But that's probably not a good thing.
This site sure is a good thing, though, that'll never change, no matter how much it changes on a day to day basis.