Personally, I would like for the USGA to continue the Journal, though I have never found it to be a particularly good publication. Give me anything written by Gib Papazian, and I would first pick that up at the expense of the Journal (and several of the popular golf mags for that matter).
A Papazian editorial piece, a Mucci-Paul point-counterpoint, a Ran monthly interview of golf architects, authors, developers, etc., a JohnV rules, handicaping, and institutional perspective section, alternating Shivas-Moriarty legal and political discussion of issues affecting golf, and an Andy Rooney type piece by JakaB could form the structure for a great print or electronic publication. Add quartely travel sections by Tom Huckaby, the humor, wit, and story telling of Bob Huntley (as often as he feels like it), TMacs interesting, well-researched writings on the history of golf achitecture, Goodale's alternative analysis from the other side of the Pond, and submitals from the many fine contribution to, and we would have some great reading. Round it off monthly with a Borroughs aerial and photography from so many folks here, amateur and professional, an occasional art/paintings section and we would have great circulation (maybe a couple of thousand?). On second thought, I don't want to put up any of the $4MM, but perhaps we can find a benefactor out there. I am inspired by the talent and passion of so many people on this site. Unfortunately, much of the rest of the golf world doesn't understand us.