You're a good man Jeff Brauer!
It's nice of you to say you come on here looking for ideas although you realize most of us don't really understand many of the other parts of the business.
Of course a lot of people, certainly me, who aren't in the business, dream about the ideal scenario, as you said. And I certainly know nothing about the business or really even construction, drainage etc. But it is fun to conceive of things and then have guys like you around to tell us if they really would work or not.
I've had a ball routing a couple of these properties around here, but since I don't know anything about the construction side I can really only do them naturally. To me that's the fun and satisfying thing though since I think the holes really look great in their natural form. But I think I've been doing this on some pretty special land.
But what if the sites didn't offer those natural possibilities and I was an architect? I guess I wouldn't be a very good one with my lack of knowledge in how to use the tools of the trade. I like what you said or implied that using that equipment and maybe not being a "minimalist" can't only be looked at as the easy way out, as is sometimes implied by some on this site. It also has to be looked at, as you say, as a means of solving problems.
I think there should be a real balance in this knowledge and its application though. I'm afraid I tend to think that Fazio is so good at understanding the possibilities of the tools of his trade and also being fortunate enough to have the budgets to do almost anything with his tools, that he may tend to just overlook some natural possibilities rather than take some chances with them. It sometimes seems that even if he was given an interesting canvas (natural possibility holes) that he would almost prefer that they were a blank canvas.
You, on the other hand, may be in a better position than Fazio, since you say most of your budgets are lower. It seems like that would give you more of an opportunity to work with the natural possibilities. If your client said to you, I want something standard here so as not to take a chance with my players, you could say, well give me another million bucks and I will push that hill or that ridge around and mold it into anything you want it to be!
I've read most of Fazio's book now and he makes no excuses about his abilities with his tools. I can't say I blame him. I thought it was interesting what he said about enviromental restrictions and problems and that he looked at them as more of a challenge than a pain in the ass and maybe he could even make things better than the natural state of affairs enviromentally.
I still wish he would use more of the natural possibilities though. I guess I wish he wasn't so accomplished with the tools of his trade. And I wish he would give the golfer a little more credit for being able to accept some of the "off-beat" which is so much of the fun and interest of much of the old architecture.
I'm going to send you a couple of routing plans. They will probably never get done but it will be interesting to see what you think of them anyway. You couldn't use them because I'm sure they're too outrageous. If somebody saw them and said to me; "Are you crazy, look at all that fairway acreage?", I would say get out of my face, if you want something really interesting you've got to pay for it. I can say that because I'm not in the business so what does it matter.
But sometimes it does matter even to me, Jeff. With that Ardrossan project we worked so long on it came down in the end to me and the land owner who we and our course were going to have to co-exist with for the foreseeable future. We had the ultimate meeting with the entire family and all those that run my club and the lawyers and stuff. I layed out the routing on the table and everything was going great and after a while the principle owner said that hole cuts my cattle off from their barn and I can't accept that hole. So everyone turns to me and after a while I said I'm sorry but I can't give that hole up. Any other one maybe but that one I think if ever built could be one of the greats-I've actually spent scores of hours looking at it.
So I don't know, they told me to get the best people and get the best that was there for the club. So I don't regret it and I think I probably did the right thing and I think we will be there someday. But I love that land and I love that hole and a lot of others on the routing too and it really hurt to give up the dream and have to stop it that way. But still it can't be as tough as some of the things you all go through who are really in the business.