I was surprised by the low number of concessions- not just by TW, but by all the players. I do, however, find it difficult to guage the lengths of those second putts on the flat screen, and don't really trust the announcers' estimates. It seemed like a lot of first putts continued to run well after I thought they would stop. TW mentioned the green speeds in his post-win interview. Also, with so many holes cut within 4 paces of the edges, mmost of those 3-4 footers had considerable break. Not putts one would give in a match with 1mm bucks on the line!
I also wondered, cynically, if the lack of concessions was pre-arranged so the play didn't go too quickly, so as not to be left with too much dead air time.
BTW, does it really take 41/4 hours for two of the world's top players to play 17 holes?