> Golf Course Architecture

Review of Feinstein's new book, "Open"

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Brad Klein:
Rick, a very fair assessment. Had I been writing for Golfweek instead of Superintendent News, I might have covered more of the media component. It does make for interesting reading, and it's obvious in his account that Feinstein has little regard for Hannigan's (curmudgeonly) role in all of this. He does have good material on the behid the scenes negotiations; it is certainly more interesting than the minute details of toilets and security guards.

By the way, we all make mistakes - in Golfweek we make them, but we also agonize over them, kick ourselves, and make sure we figure out how they could have happened. It's an embarassment that any journalist should learn from.

Brad Klein
Did you review "the evangelist of golf"? I recall more than a few errors...did you point these out? I found the macdonald book very interesting...but the writing was not quite up to par with the material.

Brad Klein:
I did not do a formal review of "The Evangelist of Golf" because it was published in the same series by the same publisher as my Ross book, and so it's best to avoid what might look like a conflict of sympathies. I did note on this website the use of duplicate photos - a very poor decision by my way of thinking. - as well as some other issues that disappointed me somewhat. But the fact that Bahto gets the Crimean War three decades later than it actually happened (p. 90) doesn't affect his account of The Redan or my appeciation of his knowledge.

Brad Klein

I understand.

Is it awkward for an author to also be a critic? I would think it might be....personally I like the idea.....who has greater insight and I imagine it makes your own work better. I agree with your take on the book and Feinstein....his greatest strength in my opinion...promotional genius.

please don't misunderstand me....I like the idea of golf writers critiquing other golf writers...I also love Bahto's work...I just thought he might have used a ghost writer.


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