> Golf Course Architecture

Review of Feinstein's new book, "Open"

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Brad Klein:
In light of all the discussion here of the U.S. Open, I thought GCAers might enjoy my review of Feinstein's book about the 2002 Open. You can read it on the lead page of today's

If I were more web-capable, I could set up the direct hyperlink. Perhap someone else can.

Mike Nuzzo:

Jeff Shelman:

Remind me not to ever send any of my work to you to read. Talk about laying the smack down.

Dan Kelly:
Mr. Klein --

I humbly suggest that you change the headline to "A Good Book Spoiled."

Carlyle Rood:
I enjoyed the book.  If you're looking for a blow-by-blow account of the U.S. Open, then you'll certainly be disappointed.  Nevertheless, I found all the background information very entertaining.  Particularly amusing is the dialog with Rees Jones regarding his "fee."

I thought the cited errors in the book were superficial.  (I noted one error in the review--and it was only ONE page!)

I've really enjoyed Feinstein's books over the years.  This is NOT his best work.  It's likely not in his top five.  Regardless, I'd still recommend it.  Borrowing from Siskel and the deceased Ebert, I'd have to give it a thumbs up.


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